So yesterday was one of my best friends birthday! So we got up early and went to the beach and took some pictures, It was so beautiful out and im so glad it didn't rain.
So after the beach we went to the flea market and got some goodies I got some awesome from the dead sea scrub this bad ass neck tie for my...
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I love the Charlie Brown Christmas Album is makes me so happy!

Its been so nice out l8ly, makes me want to go find a little cafe and mingle with all the people.

I'm thinking of going to the drum circle this Sunday. I haven't been in a good year and a half, if I go hopefully some one will lend me a drum b.c...
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Thank you!!!!

Our AC went out last night so im thankfull it is as cold as it is right now! But I agree with ya there! It always seems to be rediculously cold for a few days in November and then as soon as a sign of December comes around BAM its back up in the 80s
Oh man I was so happy my earliest class this semester was at 2, that meant I could wake up whenever and go get a coffee, chill out for an hour or so before having to worry about anything :p

But I do feel ya about the rushing around in the morning thing, it sucks ass.
Last night I found out my shoot was to be post-pone until next Friday. On th upside we should get the ok to do it at the tattoo shop! SO I woke up at 5 am with my boyfriend and our room mate. We headed out to lil mud creek to launch the boat for a morning of fishing. We hung out by the power...
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Thank you! Its so nice to be out before the sun comes up and be the first one on the water, Its so peaceful..
Nice, I've always wanted to get out and take some sunrise photos but I don't have the will power to get up that early, and the nights when I'm out until the sunrise I never have my camera ready...
Ive got a shoot tomorrow and I'm rather nervous about it! I really suck at lighting so I've been reading and trying to learn some techniques and how to make some equipment. Though Ive read how to do it I just haven't had the time to try anything and I don't feel that during a shoot is a good time to be trying out new...
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Last night I watch this movie on show time called zombie honeymooners and I cant get the image of this skinny guy gnawing down on an arm as he walks in through the front door. It was a strange movie but then again what zombie movie isn't strange?

I also caught the tail end of this other movie were bugs...
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thank you thank you!

&from what i can tell, im in love with your photography! hahaha, that photo of the dog yawning is terrifying! hahaha!

This web page is interfering with my work or maybe my work is interfering with this web page! aether way I find my self mindlessly browsing the group forums and getting stuck in the photography one for hours on end. I would much rather spend time on here then working but Ive got to make the money! pffffftttt when will the weekend get here???? bok
You have to start worrying when you refresh the page every 2 minutes...
So a good three months ago I went to my gyno and got put back on B control! I talked to my doc and explained that im very touchy to B- control and I get CRAZY mood swings that I cant handle, so he said well go ahead and try this b.c its the cheapest thing we offer and you might as well find out...
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That sucks that its so expensive!!! I would be freaked out if my lady had to pay 50$ every month for bc.Although i would be even more freaked out if my lady told me that we're having a child!!!! So i guess i would work my ass off to get that 50$.haha
Its kinda a win loose situation when it comes to health care!

We haven't found a house yet, but were going to go looking again this weekend. There was this one rather neat house but the master bedroom was SO TINY and me and my boyfriend have a HUGE bed so we need a good size master and I would like a nice bathroom which seams hard to come by. So we deff haven't found the house yet but its out there!
One positive thing is at this time there are plenty of houses to choose from round here....and usually somewhat reasonable for the area now.
nice picture!!! good luck with the house hunting!! wink
I can believe how good my project came out seeing as how I whipped it together in one class!

I was slacking and didn't go to school Tuesday night. We only had two classes to put a typography project together. I chose wabi-sabi as my them. Its Japanese philosophy of seeing beauty in imperfection. So I did a rose and jazzed it up! All in...
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we have a roller derby on this side of FL but i havent been yet. slack me.
Thanks a bunch for the adds and whatnot. I checked out your DA page....you have some nice work yourself! All the best. smile