Stuff isn't fun anymore. frown
Am I too late to comment?
Given that I'm busted to the heels (read: flat broke), I can't afford to go buy beer. Beer helps me get to sleep, but not in a way that I drink so much of it that I simply pass out, rather in a way that I'll drink a bottle (never a can) or two, take some Xanax, then sleep all the livelong night.

Well, there's...
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So, after seven years of living in New Orleans, circumstance (read: lack of money) has brought me back to Tennessee. Franklin, in particular, which is a suburb south of Nashville. Color me unthrilled.

Anyway, I'm unemployed for the time being. Hopefully that changes soon.

August 4 (Saturday) is my birthday. I'm 31.

And I can't say it enough: isn't Posh absolutely dreamy? love
Looks like I'll be doing some make-work inventorying crap at Touro Hospital next week. That's rent, at least. After that, apparently, the military work is supposed to start, always assuming of course that my interview with them goes well and my federal background check goes OK (which it should).

I bought a suit coat this afternoon. I seem to have lost all the previous suit...
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I just shaved my entire body for the first time in about a year, and goddamn it feels good. I stopped doing it (after doing it almost religiously since 1997) last spring due to complete apathy. Now I can wear thongs again without feeling sleazy! Mmyep.

I heard from Robyn (my recruiter) yesterday. She told me that I should hear back Monday on whether...
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I (joy of joys) found an old scrip for ninety 1mg Xanax (alprazolam) pills whilst rifling through my old prescription records, which somehow eluded my notice when it was first handed to me by my shrink. Having been taped to my refrigerator since the dawning of 2007, it was dated 03 January 2007, but according to Walgreens, that's perfectly OK, despite its age, so at...
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My contact with Northrop Grumman ended Friday.

As such, I'm now unemployed. Again.

I'm currently in the midst of drowning my sorrows with a sixer of Newcastle and a pack of American Spirit "perique blend" cigarettes. And 12mg of Lunesta.

No idea what to do now other than whore myself out on job-finding websites.

Lexapro keeps me feeling sane, but underneath that is a series...
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Oh, I survived the summer down there. Bloody barely though. I had 2 horrendous bosses I was working with/for, so it really made for a long season. Throw on far too many people and 24 hours of light, I surprised I was not postal by the time I left.

You take care love. I browsed through you journal. Sounds like things have been turbulent. I'm sure that is putting it rather politely, but just the same, take care.

Whew, that was a quick day at work. Unlike most days, it just kind of flew by. I do not object to it doing that.

I've been dreaming of Antarctica again. I want to go! I wonder if Northrop Grumman has any operations there. I know Raytheon does, and I've seen some of their people around the shipyard. I wouldn't mind a holiday in the...
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love your new toy is very pretty! have fun re-learning with it! i tried to learn a while back but i don't think i'm a guitar person. also, i give up when something's difficult blush but i plan to re-learn drums soon to start a clash cover band biggrin
and isn't it winter in new orleans?
best wishes with everything xox
and hey! if you can afford it, grab some gorgeous christmas gifts and help out a struggling SuicideGirl at the same time. Pistolita Suicide 2007 Calendars are now available for sale! this stunning calendar has been created by the SG Fan Art Group to help Pistolita meet the costs for her cervical cancer treatment. joining up to the deviantART site is free and ALL profits from the calendar and prints go to this very deserving woman.

or if you can't afford it, please just spread the word. all support is apreciated!
happy holidays xox
It's hot in here. Someone apparently opened up the thermostat, affixed a piece of double-sided tape right below where the temperature adjustment knob hits 70F, and then hooked it back up to the wall. Thus, it can't go below 70F in here, and with all the computers running in this room, 70F feels sweltering.

It's making my fibro or whatever it is (second opinion coming...
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Happy World Vegan Day!!!
and good luck with everything, mostly your health frown