I had an extremely strange dream yesterday. It's barely describable, but I'll try. The world, or really, the part of the world I was in, was under attack by aliens. Eventually, they won, and forcably converted everyone to Christianity via constant booming public service announcements, kind of like the "OBEY" signs in the film They Live, with mostly the same message, only aural rather than visual, while at the same time turning everyone into cyborgs, then setting them up in two-each heterosexual groups, where each group was expected to produce offspring on their own, then take it (represented in this dream by Lego 4x2 bricks) to a dome that the aliens had constructed and deposit it into a grey plastic bin. This is one of the very few dreams that I can remember in which I wasn't female, myself. Usually in dreams I'm either female or genderless. I recall conspiring with my mate to get away with faking an offspring while still fucking, and I think we succeeded. Not quite sure how we swung that, though.
For apparently unknown reasons, I remember being really attracted to my mandated hetero life mate. I get dreams where this happens once in a great while, where I seem to be all full of love and/or lust (this wasn't one of those dreams, which require washing, though). They're always so strange, because I wake up, still feeling attracted to, intimately familiar or in love with whoever (the object of desire has, to the best of my memory, always been female) it was in the dream, and then the dream filtering itself out of my waking consciousness and back into my unlit subconscious. And now, as I'm straining to recall it, it seems completely neutral, with none of the strength of the feeling that was there when I woke up.
I hate it when that happens. If I was able to keep what I felt in dreams with me in waking life, maybe I'd be a better person. I dunno.
Also, how I slept today was a successful experiment; I put white chestnut oil on my main (as opposed to secondary) head pillow, put the bismuth crystal closer to my head, and was burning a sandalwood candle all day while I slept. The result, I think, was an OOBE, based on the feelings and my previous OOBE experienes. So, the experiment was in seeing if I could induce a dream-filled sleep while on the normally dream-suppressing drug Seroquel, of which I took 50mg before bed. When I woke up, my world consisted of the feel of the mattress and pillows under me and the sheet and comforter over me, and the scent of sandalwood completely filling up my head, but my mind was still pretty far away. I stayed like that, unmoving from the position I woke up in (face up), for quite a while. If I'd thought of it then, this would've been apt description of how I felt and probably what I would have looked like to anyone present in the room:
Can't talk. Coming down.
There are some balls-out powerful drugs in the human brain. It just takes a lot of very hard work to be able to access them. I wish I was able to do it more often.
For apparently unknown reasons, I remember being really attracted to my mandated hetero life mate. I get dreams where this happens once in a great while, where I seem to be all full of love and/or lust (this wasn't one of those dreams, which require washing, though). They're always so strange, because I wake up, still feeling attracted to, intimately familiar or in love with whoever (the object of desire has, to the best of my memory, always been female) it was in the dream, and then the dream filtering itself out of my waking consciousness and back into my unlit subconscious. And now, as I'm straining to recall it, it seems completely neutral, with none of the strength of the feeling that was there when I woke up.
I hate it when that happens. If I was able to keep what I felt in dreams with me in waking life, maybe I'd be a better person. I dunno.
Also, how I slept today was a successful experiment; I put white chestnut oil on my main (as opposed to secondary) head pillow, put the bismuth crystal closer to my head, and was burning a sandalwood candle all day while I slept. The result, I think, was an OOBE, based on the feelings and my previous OOBE experienes. So, the experiment was in seeing if I could induce a dream-filled sleep while on the normally dream-suppressing drug Seroquel, of which I took 50mg before bed. When I woke up, my world consisted of the feel of the mattress and pillows under me and the sheet and comforter over me, and the scent of sandalwood completely filling up my head, but my mind was still pretty far away. I stayed like that, unmoving from the position I woke up in (face up), for quite a while. If I'd thought of it then, this would've been apt description of how I felt and probably what I would have looked like to anyone present in the room:
Can't talk. Coming down.
There are some balls-out powerful drugs in the human brain. It just takes a lot of very hard work to be able to access them. I wish I was able to do it more often.