Hey, look! It's my primary World of Warcraft character, live in real time! Well, real time as of yesterday.
I cleaned my apartment this evening, and despite this I've been feeling pretty blah lately. I think it might be time for a shake-up; a psychiatry appointment and ideally some different meds. Hopefully new meds that I won't get addicted to, because part of my blahness lately has come from my addictions to Ambien and Xanax. Well, that, and being sex-starved, but being sex-starved is a little easier to deal with than having no drugs when your body is craving them. C'mon, you know you wanna knock boots with a World of Warcraft player who rarely leaves his apartment. Mmyep.
Also, does anyone know where online I can get a PDF of an L4 tax form? I need to turn one in by tomorrow and I can't seem to find one. I found the W4 form I needed easily enough, but it seems the L4 is either very esoteric or goes by a more bureaucratic designation that the W4. You'd think that work would provide copies of both, but apparently since I'm in the office only when no one else is, I get left out in the cold when it comes to these things.
I have a ticket for this show later this month. And weeeee.
I cleaned my apartment this evening, and despite this I've been feeling pretty blah lately. I think it might be time for a shake-up; a psychiatry appointment and ideally some different meds. Hopefully new meds that I won't get addicted to, because part of my blahness lately has come from my addictions to Ambien and Xanax. Well, that, and being sex-starved, but being sex-starved is a little easier to deal with than having no drugs when your body is craving them. C'mon, you know you wanna knock boots with a World of Warcraft player who rarely leaves his apartment. Mmyep.
Also, does anyone know where online I can get a PDF of an L4 tax form? I need to turn one in by tomorrow and I can't seem to find one. I found the W4 form I needed easily enough, but it seems the L4 is either very esoteric or goes by a more bureaucratic designation that the W4. You'd think that work would provide copies of both, but apparently since I'm in the office only when no one else is, I get left out in the cold when it comes to these things.
I have a ticket for this show later this month. And weeeee.
You know I had the same problem.... go to management.... they have to supply these things, or at least know where to get them being they have to do it tooo..... thats how I got mine. Anyways.... the meds are a big issue no doubt there, though I have never taken meds but was addicted to coke for about a year.... I am so glad to not be on that shit.... but then at one time I was taking morphene and that was awsome till I over dosed.... bad juju...... my boyfriend found me in the bathroom naked hanging off the lu'. bad times man... though now I would give anything for a sleeping pill cause I can not sleep for a damn hour without waking up.... WIDE AWAKE! good luck hope you get less addictive things to make things better.... have you ever just tried smoking pot? I think thats about the nicest natural healer around thought the government tends to think not being they cant tax it... lil bitches....

looks like a scary, fun show....
Happy St. Patricks Day...enjoy it!