Yeah so, I didnt work out last night.Went out to dinner instead, and went to bed realtivly early. overall and uneventful night. I really am still feeling crummy. Its not too bad though, just when I first get up and t night as i get more tired. my voice isnt 100 percent..but no big deal..
And to those of you who gave me some words of encouragement about girlie action..I think Im going to go for it. Perhaps I will go get a drink where she works this weekend
Im so fucking excited to get new hair!! yay new hair boo old hair. I srsly have a mini mullet right now..
I love really changes the way your face looks. I feel very sleep and sickish, and my face reflects it, well with a splash of lip color and some blush..I look almost human.
i found the tattoo Im going to get after the holidays. Its Hello Kitty dressed as wonder woman. dont fuck with it..
followed by my Invader Zim and Gir and then my Butters. I think After I get those done I am either going to get
a space girl that I love or I may get Adam West(in Family Guy form)..
I dont want kids ever. I dont think its my duty as a woman to procreate. I dont think I am better than a man becuase I can squeeze a kid out of my crotch. There are certain places I like sperm, in my eggs is not one of those places. I hate kids..and those of my pals that have kids..I dont hate YOUR kids..YOUR kids are probably great..I hate the kids that sit behind me while Im eating dinner and they scream and cry and fling sliver wear off the table..I hate those kids..not yours.. Your Kids are cool. But Im not going to be babysitting them anytime soon.

And to those of you who gave me some words of encouragement about girlie action..I think Im going to go for it. Perhaps I will go get a drink where she works this weekend
Im so fucking excited to get new hair!! yay new hair boo old hair. I srsly have a mini mullet right now..
I love really changes the way your face looks. I feel very sleep and sickish, and my face reflects it, well with a splash of lip color and some blush..I look almost human.
i found the tattoo Im going to get after the holidays. Its Hello Kitty dressed as wonder woman. dont fuck with it..
followed by my Invader Zim and Gir and then my Butters. I think After I get those done I am either going to get
a space girl that I love or I may get Adam West(in Family Guy form)..
I dont want kids ever. I dont think its my duty as a woman to procreate. I dont think I am better than a man becuase I can squeeze a kid out of my crotch. There are certain places I like sperm, in my eggs is not one of those places. I hate kids..and those of my pals that have kids..I dont hate YOUR kids..YOUR kids are probably great..I hate the kids that sit behind me while Im eating dinner and they scream and cry and fling sliver wear off the table..I hate those kids..not yours.. Your Kids are cool. But Im not going to be babysitting them anytime soon.

Oh and Gir tattoos rock.