so uh..yeah hope everyone had a great turkey day.
Im at work, one of 3 people who decided to show up today..somehow the memo that we got stating that we were infact, open today missed some peoples um yeah. here I am.
Yesterday was uneventful. I just dont get to worked up over thanksgiving.
I will be staying for a bit longer, just to see what happens, thanks for the show of love and concern you guys gave me, it appears as though one of my issues with someone has been taken care of, and i will leave it at that.
I was not permitted to watch football yesterday, as I was told by my sister in law, that watching football on thanksgiving is rude to the rest of the family. haha i'm rude, awesome.
Im very sleepy today kiddies.
I have little odds and ends this weekend to take care of, and a mini turkey day tomorrow with some of my moms side of the family that lives down here. that will be nice, since i havent seen them in awhile.
I got a drunk call from a girl on my cell last night. it was for another number..but we started talking and she was so loaded that she came out and asked me if I was into girls, I giggled and said yes, she told me she was too and said I had a hot voice, she said when she was sober she would call me to talk for
I worked out yesterday, treadmill and pilates. I didnt eat that much yesterday(im not into most bland thanksgiving foods) I made mini meatballs and some italian wedding was a hit..
I want this woman so bad:

*also I cut out more friends today..*
Im at work, one of 3 people who decided to show up today..somehow the memo that we got stating that we were infact, open today missed some peoples um yeah. here I am.
Yesterday was uneventful. I just dont get to worked up over thanksgiving.
I will be staying for a bit longer, just to see what happens, thanks for the show of love and concern you guys gave me, it appears as though one of my issues with someone has been taken care of, and i will leave it at that.
I was not permitted to watch football yesterday, as I was told by my sister in law, that watching football on thanksgiving is rude to the rest of the family. haha i'm rude, awesome.
Im very sleepy today kiddies.
I have little odds and ends this weekend to take care of, and a mini turkey day tomorrow with some of my moms side of the family that lives down here. that will be nice, since i havent seen them in awhile.
I got a drunk call from a girl on my cell last night. it was for another number..but we started talking and she was so loaded that she came out and asked me if I was into girls, I giggled and said yes, she told me she was too and said I had a hot voice, she said when she was sober she would call me to talk for
I worked out yesterday, treadmill and pilates. I didnt eat that much yesterday(im not into most bland thanksgiving foods) I made mini meatballs and some italian wedding was a hit..
I want this woman so bad:

*also I cut out more friends today..*
Dammit that wasn't witty at all.