opiate of the masses
i think it is bullshit that everyone is becoming overly zealous about all these terrorist attacks. has it ever crossed our diluted minds that perhaps someone *gasp* in the united states is behind all this? don't you think it makes sense that there is some underlying ploy in process and we are only fed what the controller of this wants us to see? i believe that our govenment is run by an underground alliance that dictates all things. george bush is just fixture and spokesperson for them. and perhaps he is a bit dense to take focus away from the real issue at hand. personally i feel that 9/11 was planned. i feel our government is in cahoots with the terrorists. because what happened? every backwards ass fuck in the country got all patriotic all the sudden (after years if being apathetic) and started supporting our country and pushed a war that was completely unnecessary. so every thoughtless moron in the US is behind our braindead president who they think is taking care of them and has their best interest in mind. yeah right fuck nut! that is exactly what they want us to do! not to question things. who knows what they have kept from us! who knows how many things have not had any light shed on it! we are being controlled and we don't even know it. we only hear and see what they want us to see. everything else is just grey area and we probably have no idea what is in store for us. all i can say is that it will probably not rest in our favor- as they take each right away and enforce laws that are ludicrous. it is already happening and we are brainwashed to it all. and to think that this is supposedly the land of the free... i say it is the land of the oblivious.
i think it is bullshit that everyone is becoming overly zealous about all these terrorist attacks. has it ever crossed our diluted minds that perhaps someone *gasp* in the united states is behind all this? don't you think it makes sense that there is some underlying ploy in process and we are only fed what the controller of this wants us to see? i believe that our govenment is run by an underground alliance that dictates all things. george bush is just fixture and spokesperson for them. and perhaps he is a bit dense to take focus away from the real issue at hand. personally i feel that 9/11 was planned. i feel our government is in cahoots with the terrorists. because what happened? every backwards ass fuck in the country got all patriotic all the sudden (after years if being apathetic) and started supporting our country and pushed a war that was completely unnecessary. so every thoughtless moron in the US is behind our braindead president who they think is taking care of them and has their best interest in mind. yeah right fuck nut! that is exactly what they want us to do! not to question things. who knows what they have kept from us! who knows how many things have not had any light shed on it! we are being controlled and we don't even know it. we only hear and see what they want us to see. everything else is just grey area and we probably have no idea what is in store for us. all i can say is that it will probably not rest in our favor- as they take each right away and enforce laws that are ludicrous. it is already happening and we are brainwashed to it all. and to think that this is supposedly the land of the free... i say it is the land of the oblivious.

Is George Bush evil? Yes, decidedly so. Are he and his administration constantly manipulating events to extend the limits of their power? Absolutely, and more diabolically than any administration before.
But how can so many retards on the internet actually believe that 9/11 could be planned by our own government and kept secret? Are they worried that George Bush and his cronies aren't already evil enough, and need more evidence against them?
Major historical events like 9/11 happen for complex reasons. When you sit back and say "George Bush did it," you give yourself permission to remain smug and uneducated about the history that led up to and has occurred since 9/11.
Questioning authority includes questioning people who agree with you!