i was talking with a friend at work today and he was saying he wanted to decorate his office with hall and oates cut outs. i commended him on that radness of an idea and then came up with one of my own- a hall & oates themed party! i said it would have to be in his hall and oates room and everyone would have to wear a molester mustache and choose an alias from a song title. naturally- i called dibs on "man eater" for my alias- not because i really think i am a man eater but more because that is my favorite tune by them. he said by default- i would have to be "sara smile". i said fuck that. too obvious.
goddamn im creative. dont deny- its brilliant. dont plagerize me suckas. this is already in the works.
i was talking with a friend at work today and he was saying he wanted to decorate his office with hall and oates cut outs. i commended him on that radness of an idea and then came up with one of my own- a hall & oates themed party! i said it would have to be in his hall and oates room and everyone would have to wear a molester mustache and choose an alias from a song title. naturally- i called dibs on "man eater" for my alias- not because i really think i am a man eater but more because that is my favorite tune by them. he said by default- i would have to be "sara smile". i said fuck that. too obvious.
goddamn im creative. dont deny- its brilliant. dont plagerize me suckas. this is already in the works.
every line can be made funnier with the inclusion of
mutha fuckas
but it's truly sublime to want to cavort to H&O
mutha fucka!