Im still attempting at being skilled...
buuuuut i fail
i spent like 2 hours getting frusterated with flash mx2004 pro
and now im downloading dreamweaver
cause im a sucker for punishment...should just stick to css but whatev

im fucking foods this week and rolling on psychology to get it done
im not making gravy tommorow puke thank god

worried worried worried as usual
peace and...
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you sound stressed, in need of a vacation? oh and i plan on getting a pic up on my profile once i get a comp in the next 2 weeks. well have a good one.
So all is good in toyland i guess

miscommunication sucks balls...gotta work on that one
of course its kinda awesome at the same time cause when you figure out what was misconstrewed the problem it caused goes like **phhhhhhhhhhhhhhh** and totally deflates and both parties feel better

my fingers are all oily...no not the acne bumby face oily...the oil pastel oily funess

well gotta finish...
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Thats right woman get to work... love ya :-*
I thought of you, did you think of me
I guess well wind up running down your street
Twenty points for me

I see that bandage lying under your sheets
I see that blood, its running down your cheek
Twenty points for me

Twenty points on top of me
Take your points away from me
Take your points away from me
Take your points away...
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nice little poem. hope you feel better. is you don't, there's always another day.
hey babe I think you need to post an update. Love you hun. love
hello hello
well its been a gosh darn busy day
actually been talking on the phone most of the day but that can be emotionally exhausting sometimes
plus the fact every spare moment in between has gone to
a) cooking different breads for my class
b)doing psych book work cause i really wanted to get ahead a week but it doesnt look like that will...
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YAY first update...no friends surreal yet but im gonna start posting and such i just finished setting up my profile and adding some perty pics to it...camera whoredom blush **happysigh**

BUT im going to do a more in depth post tommorow when my free time is a lil higher

peace and all that jazz
another san diegite. welcome smile
YAY you got frineds kiss