IM SOOOO sorry.
I havent been on in forever...
Anyway im in a crpatacular dorm now.
Im spoiled from having my own room.
Luckily im the messy one. But that sucks for my mate o roomers.
Last week i didnt go to like half my classes and that was my first week. Thats always a good sign whatever
Yah, ive also had some meds switched on...
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wow your heart rate was so high! hope you are doing better smile
awww thanx you guys...yah things are better
the heart murmer thing was partly genetic/ partly damage but not enough to do anything...yaaaah
awww...sweetness...aww...god im like so spazzy right now...thanks for the comments
Hopefully by the time i finish typing this my headache will go away so i can call scott without murdering him with words because of crabbiness.
today was the graduation ceremony- it was flippin hot and miserable, but there was a lot of great stuff about it too
For the first time i think everyone seemed to be genuinely nice to each other in...
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yay! congrats on graduation! the highlight of my graduation was a guy in front of me puked all over the gown of the girl sitting to his left, right before his row had to walk.. it was funny.
now you are going to see people you went to school with that you never talked to and they are going to run up and act like you were best friends.. i hate that confused
anyway, yay!
I had to run into a teacher on my graduation who hated me and had accused me of being on drugs. It was as the I was headed back to my seat after I picked up my deploma sleve. She said congrats and put out her hand to shake it... I spat on her feet and walked away. It was the highlite I think.

Anyway I am so proud of you!!!! Despite all the interfearance from like all over the place you did it. I am so happy for you.
Aw, what fun! And you match and both look amazing and happy!

I especially like the last photo.

(I think my set was rejected for lighting and because they didn't want another "writing on the wall" set. Hmmmm....)
We are cute arnt we!!!!
just got back from prom like half an hour ago
mind you prom was saturday night
im soooooo sleepynesss

ps will post pics when i find the camera
peace and all that jazz
Have you yet found the camera?
my dad is hiding it but i can post scottys pics...YAY...
sorry im all dorky
Right now im waiting for Scott to get his rental car and luggage and such.
He was spose to be be here...like here at my house at 3/4 but planes get delayed and such...so right now im alll excited and stuff and cant stope bouncing and being in torment by waiting, esp since I cant make it go faster.
so waiting and trying to pass...
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Im going to be trendy-pants and start wearing harajuku style clothing; basically this means im going to where whatever the hell odd thing i want.
Yah, why it does suck that gwen stefani ruined a whole subculture, thats the way the cookie always crumbles these days.
Get over it people its just clothes.
Bitchng about excessively high designer prices of originally cheap-o styles is still...
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yes im going to be lame and add a comment to my own entry...
but apparantly like catholic school girl style dress is one of the trends in clothing over there biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin confused wink
Thrift stores do rock, good call. wink Don't forget to smile.
Yah so im kinda like phew cause im off the wait list for WSU and in the school!!!!!!
so now i wont spend half my day wondering what to do or where to go for college...if i should go to community, where, what other places...yadda yadda

So ill be up in the lovely state WA bordering on Idaho next fall...holla.

dammit you so said you...
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congrats on the college thing. sounds exciting.
I know ive been such a downer recently.
Blah, obnoxious.
Its like I have this itch I cant scratch- something is just always wrong, fuck im freaking myself out with this shit.
2 weeks to prom and tommorow i get to meet dr drimmer;
he sounds nice- first time THE doctor has actually called the day before an appointment- usually its their secretary, or i...
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Just wait for your nice summer vacation with me, that will take alot of the problems away. And then 6 hrs. thats all I have to say.
Woke up with a huge shooting pain in my side. I thought I had a kidney infection or something and freaked out mentally. Then I pushed on it and it didnt hurt so i know i dont have that. Turns out i just slept all fucky so my muscles sore.
I never thought id say hoorah for muscle pain.
Wooohooo for neuroscience; it's the best. And I love the last of your "favorite books" - that's awesome.

all is good but
i dunno my mood is all sorts of fucked up today for no reason

**note: yes really no reason, not for a reason im trying to conceal or not mention or something- it has nothing to do with that**