So i guess its been awhile....
Well i am alive and well and living the typical family life. Back on February 9th around 3pm my baby boy was born, Via C-Section.
Gavin, Born 7lb. 6oz.
Gavin and I
Fast foreword 5 months.... Gavin gets cuter by the day i swear
as for me, i am great. James asked me to marry him on mothers day, and now iv got a pretty princess ring to prove it....
got some new tattoo work, a huge owl on my chest!
i just recently got a super cute pikachu tattoo, and for the Cleveland people, this tattoo doubles as a Melt Bar & Grilled tattoo! (for those who do not know, Melt is this amazing restaurant, and if you get a tattoo with some sorta grilled cheese incorporate into it you get 25% off for life, and that includes alcohol)
almost every day i daydream of modeling again, trying again, posting new shoots for a shot on this site...
Sigh, That whole pregnancy thing, has really left my body a bit distorted...
my belly looks like a slasher film with freddy as the star...and its really left me feeling pretty low. slowly but steadly i am shedding the pounds... but i feel as if no matter what i do, my belly will for ever be scared!!!!
But on the bright side, at least i have pictures like these to look back on..
i would do almost anything to have this belly back!!!
well I'm not gonna make any promises... ill try to be back soon with lovely updates.
and to all my friends, miss ya guys and all the fun late nights...
Take care
Well i am alive and well and living the typical family life. Back on February 9th around 3pm my baby boy was born, Via C-Section.
Gavin, Born 7lb. 6oz.

Gavin and I

Fast foreword 5 months.... Gavin gets cuter by the day i swear

as for me, i am great. James asked me to marry him on mothers day, and now iv got a pretty princess ring to prove it....

got some new tattoo work, a huge owl on my chest!

i just recently got a super cute pikachu tattoo, and for the Cleveland people, this tattoo doubles as a Melt Bar & Grilled tattoo! (for those who do not know, Melt is this amazing restaurant, and if you get a tattoo with some sorta grilled cheese incorporate into it you get 25% off for life, and that includes alcohol)

almost every day i daydream of modeling again, trying again, posting new shoots for a shot on this site...
Sigh, That whole pregnancy thing, has really left my body a bit distorted...

my belly looks like a slasher film with freddy as the star...and its really left me feeling pretty low. slowly but steadly i am shedding the pounds... but i feel as if no matter what i do, my belly will for ever be scared!!!!
But on the bright side, at least i have pictures like these to look back on..

i would do almost anything to have this belly back!!!

well I'm not gonna make any promises... ill try to be back soon with lovely updates.
and to all my friends, miss ya guys and all the fun late nights...
Take care
Sadly, I have no secrets. Breastfeeding has sucked all the weight off of me. My scar looks like crap, if that makes you feel any better. Your weight will come off, I promise! It's only been what, 4.5 months since you had him, so I wouldn't stress about it darlin'.
glad to see you posting! Congrats on the BEAUTIFUL baby! and your stomach will heal. it just takes time. I feel ya on the whole scarred belly thing. PATIENCE is really important here. Don't give up.