I'm back for awhile....(by that i mean i decided to pay 24bucks a months for the internet)
In other news there is a baby BOY growing inside of me..... ( me and James were really hoping for a baby boy) and we got our wish. currently i am 21 weeks pregnant half way in or threw how ever you wanna look at it.
i can now feel the baby move and squirm around... honestly it feels like something is lightly rubbing my uterus from the inside.... i also notice when i am sitting in a upright position with pressure on my stomach the baby gets pissed and starts swimming about...lol
(my belly at 3months or so)
(my belly two weeks ago, 5months)
it doesn't look like much but i can really tell the difference and feel the weight i put on (so fare its 9 pounds)
its an awesome, im now starting to look pregnant as well, people do allot of nice things for ya when ya got a big'ol belly!
on another note, i am starting to look into alternatives to a hospital (controlled) type of birth. so after a bunch of research and a good documentary i found on netflix i found what seems to be the only Birthing Center in the Cleveland Ohio area.
they offer natural birth in a safe environment, along with several different types of water births.
i am really excited about the idea of a water birth, and always have been.
In the beginning i was indifferent about where or how id give birth... i just new i was gonna stick with the hospital i was going to and i wanted to be pumped up with pain killers....
but my mind has been changing since this whole pregnancy has been progressing. there are so many things that changed my mind... i just know i wanna remember and feel like i was apart of this process.
anyway enough of that boring hippie talk
on to other things..... like pictures
(the latest picture of myself)
(me with plain boring brown hair..blahhhhh )
a super cool robot with a super awesome mustache
and here is a picture of a hamster i seen on a book,,,, normal i am not a fan of hamsters but i need to get one that looks like this guy...freaking adorable
so i think that is it for now....
iv missed my friends on here a lot and i look foreword to catching up with you guys.....
In other news there is a baby BOY growing inside of me..... ( me and James were really hoping for a baby boy) and we got our wish. currently i am 21 weeks pregnant half way in or threw how ever you wanna look at it.
i can now feel the baby move and squirm around... honestly it feels like something is lightly rubbing my uterus from the inside.... i also notice when i am sitting in a upright position with pressure on my stomach the baby gets pissed and starts swimming about...lol
(my belly at 3months or so)

(my belly two weeks ago, 5months)

it doesn't look like much but i can really tell the difference and feel the weight i put on (so fare its 9 pounds)
its an awesome, im now starting to look pregnant as well, people do allot of nice things for ya when ya got a big'ol belly!
on another note, i am starting to look into alternatives to a hospital (controlled) type of birth. so after a bunch of research and a good documentary i found on netflix i found what seems to be the only Birthing Center in the Cleveland Ohio area.
they offer natural birth in a safe environment, along with several different types of water births.
i am really excited about the idea of a water birth, and always have been.
In the beginning i was indifferent about where or how id give birth... i just new i was gonna stick with the hospital i was going to and i wanted to be pumped up with pain killers....
but my mind has been changing since this whole pregnancy has been progressing. there are so many things that changed my mind... i just know i wanna remember and feel like i was apart of this process.
anyway enough of that boring hippie talk

on to other things..... like pictures
(the latest picture of myself)

(me with plain boring brown hair..blahhhhh )

a super cool robot with a super awesome mustache

and here is a picture of a hamster i seen on a book,,,, normal i am not a fan of hamsters but i need to get one that looks like this guy...freaking adorable

so i think that is it for now....
iv missed my friends on here a lot and i look foreword to catching up with you guys.....
I may not come home this year because I'll be so busy with dog stuff. I'm hoping to come in the spring when it's warm!