my second set shot by Ronintally, i am gonna try and spend the rest of today thinking of something good to right in the description for my set, but as of now i am drawing a big blank.... maybe ill just be basic and describe the experiences...? hmm
(outtake from the set due to Ron being in the frame)

and me naked on the cool cold floor

i got some work added to my NMBC sleeve today, the oggie boogie kids. my sleeve is coming together real nice, almost there, just a few more characters and then some filler

And now that i finally got around to take a picture of my upper arm with a real camera ill show ya that too

I also got this done today, my matching half of me and Jame's tattoo
(lyrics from Nine inch nail's where in this together now from the fragile)

and while i am on the subject of body modifications my ear is at 3/4ths now! its taken a year to get to this point but it was well worth it, my goal is an 1" 1/4th

My next tattoo appt. is next month so until then its allot of sitting and waiting. but i have finally decided to cover up my Mushroomhead tattoo, i just cannot stand to talk about that tattoo anymore, and there music is no longer really apart of my life (there older stuff will always be though)
so some time in the future i will be covering it with an owl, and if i can find a good enuff picture it will be the owl from Zelda's ocarina of time

thats all for now i think... take care guys...

i cant muster words so i leave you with an action in-between asterisks *drools and faints* 

you mean this?