I am going to start off by saying...I FREAKING LOVE THE HELL OUTA MY GUY! (the jamie bear)
he goes above and beyond to make me happy and do whatever it takes to put a smile of my face
my favorite guy on this planet, besides jack skellington....

so for my birthday he payed for some tattoo work... i ended up just getting my pre-existing work touched up and fixed. for those have seen it up close or pics you know it needed to be re-done.
but i found the perfect artist to do the job, mark at addicted body art in parma Ohio. who better to fix up and add to my Nightmare before Christmas sleeve than a guy who is just obsessed with it as me.
mark's myspace page

i am due back to start fixing the color and outline on sally and adding oggie boogie to my upper arm on
december 7th at 4pm... counting down the freaking days
(see how bad sally need to be worked on...shit sucks
but mark will fix her up real nice like)

to tell you truth my whole half sleeve was paid for by James, every year on my bday he pays for work on it.
come to think of it... weird
well on my bday (the 18th) he threw me a little suprize get together at my house..... only 3 of my friends showed up.... (which is a whole other blog) but hey at least i know who my real friends and family are.
James invited ever person i personal know... and only 3 people came.... ether all my friends suck or i am a horrible person.... i think they all suck
anyway my brothers girlfriend's mother baked me a cake... (i love her mom, shes such an amazing lady)
on the cake that's me and James.. .on a stage with a cute banner and speakers....
made with the kids craft products called Foamies... (i know this cause i sell this kinda stuff at my job)
and yes that is my real name

i figured id share this picture.. me sittin on the pittbull.. hes such a baby

last but not least at all.....
i am finally shooting a new set for the site, its been a full year since iv done one....
ill be shooting with Ronintally in lakewood... man this guy really deserves to become a staff photographer, i am tellin ya its a matter of time before one of this many great sets goes live.
i think ill go with the same sorta makeup look as in this shoot... i think i look good with red...
what do you think?

he goes above and beyond to make me happy and do whatever it takes to put a smile of my face

my favorite guy on this planet, besides jack skellington....

so for my birthday he payed for some tattoo work... i ended up just getting my pre-existing work touched up and fixed. for those have seen it up close or pics you know it needed to be re-done.
but i found the perfect artist to do the job, mark at addicted body art in parma Ohio. who better to fix up and add to my Nightmare before Christmas sleeve than a guy who is just obsessed with it as me.
mark's myspace page

i am due back to start fixing the color and outline on sally and adding oggie boogie to my upper arm on
december 7th at 4pm... counting down the freaking days

(see how bad sally need to be worked on...shit sucks

to tell you truth my whole half sleeve was paid for by James, every year on my bday he pays for work on it.
come to think of it... weird
well on my bday (the 18th) he threw me a little suprize get together at my house..... only 3 of my friends showed up.... (which is a whole other blog) but hey at least i know who my real friends and family are.
James invited ever person i personal know... and only 3 people came.... ether all my friends suck or i am a horrible person.... i think they all suck

anyway my brothers girlfriend's mother baked me a cake... (i love her mom, shes such an amazing lady)
on the cake that's me and James.. .on a stage with a cute banner and speakers....
made with the kids craft products called Foamies... (i know this cause i sell this kinda stuff at my job)
and yes that is my real name

i figured id share this picture.. me sittin on the pittbull.. hes such a baby

last but not least at all.....
i am finally shooting a new set for the site, its been a full year since iv done one....
ill be shooting with Ronintally in lakewood... man this guy really deserves to become a staff photographer, i am tellin ya its a matter of time before one of this many great sets goes live.
i think ill go with the same sorta makeup look as in this shoot... i think i look good with red...
what do you think?

Thanx for wishing me luck, we both need to be Cleveland sgs! =)
Thank you for the nice things you said about my set. I am glad in kept you intereseted. You are a very lucky girl , it seems , to have a gorgeous man help you out with your tattoo like that!