Roverfest, yeah it was pretty fun, i meet a a bunch of nice gals there (calendar contests had to stay back stage for a good 3 hours), and then i meet allot of vain girls too, all in all, id try it again, but with a tan next time
can you tell which girl is me
(by the way i got a hair cut)
we did allot of video tapping through out the night. i guess they will be using the footage to make an hour documentary for a some type of show...sorta like a reality show.. ill update you guys when i learn more.
we did a few shit talking skits, and all i could say is, "look at all the fake and bake tans, walking cancer! look at me natural.." lol...i didn't realize i was so pal until i seen that picture..
then after a few hours of video taping and pictures we did the stage....i was scared to death!!!!! i felt sick, but i kept my nerve. Early in the day during some taping we decided it would be amazing if i went on stage, lite up a cig and puffed away...
so i did, i got booed big time..lol
that's all i can remember from stage, hearing people boo in the front...so i flipped the bird, and kept on smoking and giving the finger, at least i stood out! the only girl on stage smoking and giving the finger...lol..what a bad ass
it was fun though, and not even coming close to making it, it doesn't bother me one bit...
because really my look, style, attitude, is acquired....
best suited for a place like this
Roverfest, yeah it was pretty fun, i meet a a bunch of nice gals there (calendar contests had to stay back stage for a good 3 hours), and then i meet allot of vain girls too, all in all, id try it again, but with a tan next time
can you tell which girl is me

we did allot of video tapping through out the night. i guess they will be using the footage to make an hour documentary for a some type of show...sorta like a reality show.. ill update you guys when i learn more.
we did a few shit talking skits, and all i could say is, "look at all the fake and bake tans, walking cancer! look at me natural.." lol...i didn't realize i was so pal until i seen that picture..
then after a few hours of video taping and pictures we did the stage....i was scared to death!!!!! i felt sick, but i kept my nerve. Early in the day during some taping we decided it would be amazing if i went on stage, lite up a cig and puffed away...
so i did, i got booed big time..lol

that's all i can remember from stage, hearing people boo in the front...so i flipped the bird, and kept on smoking and giving the finger, at least i stood out! the only girl on stage smoking and giving the finger...lol..what a bad ass

it was fun though, and not even coming close to making it, it doesn't bother me one bit...
because really my look, style, attitude, is acquired....
best suited for a place like this

i got a small one for the bathroom, and i think i may go back and get another one for the kitchen. i can't believe i didn't think of that!
and cleaning supplies are definitely important, i can't forget those. i also realized i still need a canopener and spatula and stuff like that after i went garage sale-ing and saw a few crappy ones. it's crazy how much you don't realize that you need until you don't have it! that's y i'm so glad i get the first couple weeks free so i can afford to go out and get all that.
i'm so excited to get my dreads!!! you're such a life saver, i was starting to get desperate enough to go to a salon! and did i mention how much i love the haircut? bc i do!