So i just found out today that i will be participating in wmms 100.7 2010 morning glory calender search, at this years Cleveland's Rover fest.
Rover fest
and to tell ya the truth i pretty nervous. its easy to look good for photos, but when it comes to standing on stage, in front of hundreds of people half naked, with 30 seconds to show your stuff..then it gets hard.
i have 30seconds to show what i have.... i am not a dancer...and i am pretty none of this comes natural.
i really don't know what to do with myself for those 30 seconds. i need a gimmick some things new and different.
i need some advise and suggestions..
i am not really getting my hopes up though. for the most part the girls that get picked (12 girls gets picked by the end of the night) for the most part they are run of the mill pretty...nothing out of the ordinary... nothing like SG girls

you would think the girls would be more alternative seeing is how its a fest held through Cleveland's number one rock station...go figure
see for yourself
calener girl pictures
now for pictures of some fun stuff iv done over the week

doesn't it look like we are sliding down a big ass sewer....?

me and jamie bear

and a picture i drew up for james..sorta an inside joke

and actually i ended up going on the apartment guide website and and found a place i think i like, and they're offering the first month for free so i figure could use that time to find a good roommate. it's not close to tri-c, but i can always just get a buspass. it's still cheaper than buying a car and paying for gas all the time.