the other day i realized pretty much everyone i trusted within the last 2 years are all a bunch of backstabbing two faced cunts!!!!!!!!
my own cousin, my own flesh and blood! the one i lived with 2 months ago, i took care of her children, all three of them, i did so much to help her out..and the dirty bitch but a butcher knife in my back!!!! harsh words, but trully i am done with her, and i am sick of the way she treats me!
then there's that whore that i took care for a year, the bitch who started all this shit 3 months ago, she can choke on a fat festering cock! shes still talking smack about me. and her boyfriend can take it in the ass from my dog! her boyfriend drew me up a tattoo about 4 months ago...i gave him the ideas, and i showed him some sample work of what i wanted...well i just found out, the tattoo we planned out, the one i made up, well he gave that same exact tattoo to some random theres this fuck walking around with a tattoo i designed, the bastard has no clue what it means... and the guy who gave him the tattoo should be ashamed...who does that?
my aunt the one i am sorta living with, she keeps running her mouth to everyone and anyone who will listen..telling people my personal business...
why is it everyone i know personally.. everyone i thought i could trust have all gone retarded and turned there back on me....? why?
grrrr..... in other and james are doing good, i spent the night at his place for the last 4 days straight. we laugh, we play, we sing and dance..te,he...we are getting along great. and i am enjoying this time we are sharing in order to get back to the way we used to be....its truly meant to be, and we both know it in our hearts...
and then there is my buddy amber.... (the beautiful gal) in In Da Hood
through all this bullshit i have gone through...through all the pain i have suffered from... through all the freaking crying and down time. she has been there.
its funny the way the people who truly care and are really there for you are always right under your nose...and you never see it.
amber is my g/f on the side
we are lovers without the love making...and all the good
my own cousin, my own flesh and blood! the one i lived with 2 months ago, i took care of her children, all three of them, i did so much to help her out..and the dirty bitch but a butcher knife in my back!!!! harsh words, but trully i am done with her, and i am sick of the way she treats me!
then there's that whore that i took care for a year, the bitch who started all this shit 3 months ago, she can choke on a fat festering cock! shes still talking smack about me. and her boyfriend can take it in the ass from my dog! her boyfriend drew me up a tattoo about 4 months ago...i gave him the ideas, and i showed him some sample work of what i wanted...well i just found out, the tattoo we planned out, the one i made up, well he gave that same exact tattoo to some random theres this fuck walking around with a tattoo i designed, the bastard has no clue what it means... and the guy who gave him the tattoo should be ashamed...who does that?
my aunt the one i am sorta living with, she keeps running her mouth to everyone and anyone who will listen..telling people my personal business...
why is it everyone i know personally.. everyone i thought i could trust have all gone retarded and turned there back on me....? why?
grrrr..... in other and james are doing good, i spent the night at his place for the last 4 days straight. we laugh, we play, we sing and dance..te,he...we are getting along great. and i am enjoying this time we are sharing in order to get back to the way we used to be....its truly meant to be, and we both know it in our hearts...
and then there is my buddy amber.... (the beautiful gal) in In Da Hood
through all this bullshit i have gone through...through all the pain i have suffered from... through all the freaking crying and down time. she has been there.
its funny the way the people who truly care and are really there for you are always right under your nose...and you never see it.
amber is my g/f on the side

Thanks for the sweet comment on my set Mrs Mia Wallace set in MR.