my hair is uber long. my walls are getting prettier. my friends are getting better. hopefully i'll be alone soon enough. all's well...all is a well.

oooh poem. laters
Hey guy what's goin on
Isis - Oceanic. The Beginning and the End.

i actually was flipping through a book at the library soon after getting that particular cd...in the "ocean" section, i guess you could say...since at the time i was writing an album about similar ideas, and delving into the meanings no doubt in the Isis album. well i came upon a book, "The Sea Around Us" by...
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a night alone at a nice restaraunt's bar. i think i could get used to this sorta thing.

courvoisier (i just used google to teach me how to spell that) kicked my ass tonight. 8 bucks for one drink, but jesus i'm still reeling 2/3 hours later. so yeah, i'm a cheap drunk. but fuckin hell that stuff is good.
all's well in honeysuckleland.

i drank too much last week, for certain...not as much as other people i know, but still too much. one night in particular could've turned out terribly, luckily it ended up with me having a new (read: old) friend. doing a decent job of weeding out the bad friends also, or at least changing my relationship with them.

tis my day...
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drunken poetry is great. drunken journals are stupid. journals in general are stupid. but now glassjaw is on. fuck that. now it's hum. the best band ever.

more wine.

comes before the pounding rain. makes it all worth it. gotta wake up at 8:30 tomorrow morning, it's already 1 A.M. got a girl on my mind, a woman in my memory. a soul in my...
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I know, isn't it the weirdest picture?! xoxo
so my last journal entry about staying up all night? yeah, i did...thought i was just gonna sleep all day, right? well i got a a call from my mom about 6:30 in the morning telling me that my grandfather had a heart attack earlier in the morning. so for the past week i've been staying up there early/late/sleeping in the waiting room/etc...the past day...
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gotta wake up in 4 hours. but first i have to go to sleep. instead of sleep? i wrote...go check my opendiary link to see what was worth being really motherfucking groggy tomorrow morning at the Honda dealership (AC went out in my car).

the glittering SG logo on the top left distracts me waaay too much. but it's pretty.

also, took a nap on...
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kids in the hall for hours the other night. then monty python for a few hours last night on BBC America. all i need is to see a few episodes of "Are You Being Served?" and i'll be full on british comedy for at least a month or so.

on the unimportant tip, i bought a lot of juice at Krogers tonight....lots and lots of...
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umm running sucks all kinds of ass.... but its much more effective than walking. but dont worry, i didnt go. im too much of a bumwhatever
anywayyyysss, 61 is about roger maris and mickey mantle and their race for the new home run record... lol, even if you are not a yankees fan, or a baseball fan for that matter, its still a badass movie. i highly recommend it wink

and your bass is hot love
so i realized recently that my little iconpicturegraphicthing of me over there makes me look like i'm balding. so for the record, i'm not, i just have a widow's peak (i think that's the term)....it's looked like that for many a years. onto other hair news, i'm letting mine grow out for now....somehow it's not looking too stupid yet. hair gel is gross, but currently...
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the widdows peak (that's the right term) would look cool if you pull your hair up or back. you'll get that pointy Vegeta look, that is if you like DBZ.

and yes dateing sucks... blackeyed

but about that foot tat. what i wanted was simple and it dosent matter two mutch two me if it fades a little or what have you. i'm not getting it to show off or anything. my queston is the fact i heard their's more risk with haveing it on your feet. is it worth it?

oh what i'm planing on getting is black rose petals. ya i know it sounds weird blush
i like listening, not talking. so talk to me.
billie is quite teh hot. she should pose for more pictures. excellent. smile
my bad...billie was complaining the other night that there were no comments on the pics...i got a friend to check em' out so she'd be all happy 'bout it....and there's his response...LET HER KNOW!!!! smile