I broke up with Ryan last night. I feel numb. frown
kiss kiss kiss love love

Kisses and love for you!
his lost love
That's right, folks. It's cold season. Struck me last night under the guise of an allergy attack, and had me up half the night. Still managed to be productive, which is good since there was stuff due today. Am down to 5 more assignments, with 2 weeks left. It will be tight, but one last push and I'll have everything done.

Hopefully I'll be feeling...
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Hang in there... don't push too soon if you are under the weather! kiss
I know, I know....GODS I hate being cooped up in the house, though. And I'm terrible at just staying in bed if I'm awake. I always want to be DOING something!
Today featured a lovely picnic in the park with some friends from high school. There are few things more luxorious than being drunk in the middle of the afternoon.

On a completely unrelated note, I can't decide if my most recent project is really awesome or complete shit. It's an annual report project for class. I'm doing mine on Hot Topic. I'm starting to wish...
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Hope you are doing well...
drunk in the park in the middle of the afternoon sounds pretty good right now
Ever have one of those weeks where everything seems to fall into place? No, me neither. But this one has been close.

My 21st birthday was on Saturday. Thank you to everybody that wished me a happy one! I think it was, quite possibly, the best birthday ever. I started celebrating at midnight on b-day eve with a drink and debauchery, and didn't finish celebrating...
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I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday beauty. smile I'm extra glad you got pounced on in the bathroom. biggrin
Hope you have a wonderfu l night.
Take care.
Happy pouncing... I hope you are having a great weekend! love
5 days until the SGOC gathering.

6 days until my 21st b-day.

8 days until my Junior Graphic Design Show opens.

Only half way through printing, still have much work to do, and here I am puttering around on SG.

I need help. blackeyed

On a happier note, I made the appointment and put down a deposit for my tattoo. It will be getting done the...
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Happy bday!
Happy Birthday lady. biggrin And..in case you are wondering I got here from one of your friend's pages...saw yer balloon. Um..I mean that inna clean way.
Updated my profile. No new pics, though.

I'm getting my first ink in 2 weeks in honor of my 21st b-day! WOOHOO! Thus the reason I'm fine-tuning the design instead of doing my homework. whatever

I'm getting my initial in Tolkein's Elvish surrounded by a viney line design on my ankle and (possibly) a small white pentagram on my hand.

Then I just need to work...
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Hello there biggrin

Wow thanks very much tongue yeah its a cool uni, right in the middle of london so i am most pleased! You seem like a very interesting person smile Ohhh you came to london last year huh? what did you think of it. Also exellent taste in music if you dont mind my saying! Hmmm have you read the 'his dark materials' trilogy? Ok....how do you lose your virginity twice?

Sorry about all the questions blush
so what's your tattoo about? you know, i realized you have the same bday as my brother. tongue
I'm going to go out tomorrow and buy 3 CD's. What should I get? I want them to be music that is essential for any decent human being, and I want a bit of variety. I like alternative, but rarely punk, I like folk, but generally not country, I like anything goth, metal, or rock. I also like classic rock. I hate rap.

Please leave...
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i'm a lil' late on this one.

something tells me you'd enjoy dame darcy. death folk, corset wearin', striped stockings, fairytale molestation. check out her site damedarcy.com
i think the ugly mug is a chain... i'm not sure tho. i live in santa cruz and i go to cabrillo college.
Yay! I'm a member again!

My life lately has been chaotic, to say the least. At the moment, I'm officially grounded until I can get caught up in my schoolwork. My boy's enforcing it. I really don't want to lose my scholarship...

Anyhow, went to the SGOC dinner the other night. Met some really interesting people, who I hope to get to know better.

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HA! I was wondering who you were for a minute then I said, "OOOOOHHHHH it's my lil' Columbia!" HA! kiss
Yep, 'tis I. I realized, once I'd gone to your page, that I'd been there before. You're part of the RHPS group. I remembered the picture with the leopard print skirt. wink
To all actors and actresses in the greater Los Angeles area....

I'm helping cast a senior thesis short film from Chapman University in Orange that is scheduled to shoot in mid-March. This is a great project with a great director, who plans on submitting to film festivals internationally. We're specifically looking for a girl with mods to play one of the leads (Nicole), but are...
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Thanks for the thought. The auditions actually went really well. We had some amazing girls come in for Nicole, which was really why I posted up here.

How are things going on your end?
....riding crops.....? Huh? surreal
I dyed my hair! Michelle and I went in on Tuesday to the beauty school in the circle. She got her hair done into little braids, and I got it cut and dyed. Finally, I have the burgundy streaks I've wanted for so long. It looks awesome! As Ivan put it, I'm a "streaks girl."

Sara's agent LOVED the headshots. She picked out 7 of...
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So what's this short film that you are casting for??
Well, funny you should mention that. I haven't actually posted anything about it yet, and am damned curious how you heard already. Not that that's at ALL a bad thing.... wink

Will be posting details in a few....
I'm not sure how many of you out there are like this, but I need to travel. I'll get into a mood where I will not be satisfied without an adventure. It's like getting your hopes up for a favorite meal...nothing else will be good enough. Well, events of the last 24 hours have once again triggered this. But lets face it....I'm pretty broke. The...
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