I sketched out Vivian really fast, just because she's kickass and gorgeous.
I haven't drawn Realism in forever, so it wasn't as perfect as I could get it.:
Since I've been away, I've gotten a new job, yay!
I went to Newport when RI had that really hot few days.
I took lovely photos and then was pissed as I uploaded them and found I must have sand between the lenses when I use zoom.
I'm so hooked on the Von Bondies latest album.
I know it's been out for a couple of months, but it never gets old.
Speaking of the Von Bondies, does anyone watch Rescue Me!?
I never watched the first season, but after the commercials for the second season came out, I've been watching since episode one. I think that has to be one of the most well written shows on TV today. Denis Leary is HILARIOUS! And handsome. Totally love that show. You should all watch it on FOX on tuesday nights.
yay for new jobs! i get smudgy lenses all the time and then can't figure out why ONE area of the picture is out of focus. le sigh...