What have you all been up to since I've been M.I.A.?
Short list of things I've done:
1. New sememester.
2. Being going to the movie theatre a lot. Always Providence Place Cinema, though it's the most expensive!
3. Made new friends in New York and get invited up a lot.
4. Serpentine Belt in my car broke. Had to replace it. Car broke on way and had to push it.
5. Finished reading Breaking Dawn, FINALLY.
6. Got into Chuck Palahnuik.
7. Have been touring Rhode Island with my sister to look at cosmetology schools for her.
8. Dyed my first Raccoon stripe in someone's hair since like months and months ago.
9. Got my first full Asian Ball Joint Doll, Tarentino, Taren for short, see attachments.
10. Got into a huge verbal fight with my sister's slutty friend's mom, who's gross and immoral.
11. Hang out with my dad a lot since he needs rides everywhere. XD
12. Went to a club for my first time ever....stood outside for 40 minutes, said screw it and went to IHOP at 2 in the morning.
13. Haven Brother's is back open! I can get fat off of chili cheese dogs again! Oh noes!
I'm really into REPO! The Genetic Opera, have any of you seen it?!
I found out they have a ShadowCast (Rocky Horror Picture style where they play the movie and people enact and interact with it) in Foxborough, MA. I want to go sooooo bad! Maybe I'll try it for my birthday.
Short list of things I've done:
1. New sememester.
2. Being going to the movie theatre a lot. Always Providence Place Cinema, though it's the most expensive!
3. Made new friends in New York and get invited up a lot.
4. Serpentine Belt in my car broke. Had to replace it. Car broke on way and had to push it.
5. Finished reading Breaking Dawn, FINALLY.
6. Got into Chuck Palahnuik.
7. Have been touring Rhode Island with my sister to look at cosmetology schools for her.
8. Dyed my first Raccoon stripe in someone's hair since like months and months ago.
9. Got my first full Asian Ball Joint Doll, Tarentino, Taren for short, see attachments.
10. Got into a huge verbal fight with my sister's slutty friend's mom, who's gross and immoral.
11. Hang out with my dad a lot since he needs rides everywhere. XD
12. Went to a club for my first time ever....stood outside for 40 minutes, said screw it and went to IHOP at 2 in the morning.
13. Haven Brother's is back open! I can get fat off of chili cheese dogs again! Oh noes!
I'm really into REPO! The Genetic Opera, have any of you seen it?!
I found out they have a ShadowCast (Rocky Horror Picture style where they play the movie and people enact and interact with it) in Foxborough, MA. I want to go sooooo bad! Maybe I'll try it for my birthday.
p.s. what is an asian ball joint doll? it looks cool...but i am too lazy to google it right now.