Just got back from AnimeBoston.
Crappy filler picture til I upload good ones:
Crappy filler picture til I upload good ones:
I'm pretty sure I saw everyone who said they would go.
Definitely saw ShinjiIkari who was a very convincing Naota.
I meant to say hi!
But my silly little L cosplay friend pulled me away and took your picture later I'm certain.
The hotel set us back 400 for the weekend two nights.
Spent 50 on pass for one for a weekend.
And FOUR hours waiting for pass.
But it was worth it.
I met Mc Frontalot.
I can die happy, with the best of Nerdcore dancing through my brain.
Happy Easter.
Bon appetit.
Amber found a pic of us on photobucket & i added it to my blog
The thing that sucked most abt that room was we waited in there for 2 hours and were psyched to get out of it... only to wait another 3 hours in the corridor!!! We thought were we almost done when we got out of that room. And yes, I remember that guy, he pestered us too! Anime Boston publically apologized for the long wait here