Possibly the scariest and worst movie I've seen.
And take into account, I've seen Gigli....
Ben Afflect and Jennifer Lopez posing as italian mobsters is scary enough, but drag it on for two hours and you'll wish the slow death the movie theatre food brought on would a speed up a little.
Cloverfield had a horrible beginning; the whole thing is supposed to be this smug bon voyage video for a guy who's packing up and shipping out from manhattan to japan for a vice presidency job. The ordeal turns to a documentary when Lady Liberty's head comes flying through the sky and the rest is blur....
Possibly the scariest and worst movie I've seen.
And take into account, I've seen Gigli....
Ben Afflect and Jennifer Lopez posing as italian mobsters is scary enough, but drag it on for two hours and you'll wish the slow death the movie theatre food brought on would a speed up a little.
Cloverfield had a horrible beginning; the whole thing is supposed to be this smug bon voyage video for a guy who's packing up and shipping out from manhattan to japan for a vice presidency job. The ordeal turns to a documentary when Lady Liberty's head comes flying through the sky and the rest is blur....
I do give kudos to J.J. Abrams for a movie that is packed with so much adreniline, that by the time the lights come on, you're left shaking.
I wouldn't suggest going to see this in the theatre, but a definite must rent.
Just so you're warned! ^-^
i will keep that detailed review in mind! you should be a film critic!
Thanks for the cool movie tip - I'll stay far far away from that jive