Must. Eat. Less. Donuts.
Now that I'm not going anywhere tropical in March, I've been eating to my little piggy-heart's content. Bad girl!
I wish I knew what books to buy during my impending Barnes and Noble blowout.
Half of the girls at work are either newly-dumped or having relationship problems, while the other half of us are contentedly paired-off but somewhat restless/bored. The grass is always greener, right?
Well, I'm going to go snuggle with my perfect little slice of man.
Nighty night.
Now that I'm not going anywhere tropical in March, I've been eating to my little piggy-heart's content. Bad girl!
I wish I knew what books to buy during my impending Barnes and Noble blowout.
Half of the girls at work are either newly-dumped or having relationship problems, while the other half of us are contentedly paired-off but somewhat restless/bored. The grass is always greener, right?
Well, I'm going to go snuggle with my perfect little slice of man.
Nighty night.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho! 

have you read any chuck palahnuik? He's intensely funny twisted. His style is a bit repetitive, but still always a good read.