I stayed till closing - little after 2am
and although I had a better time last week doing the local...
I still just really digg Philly
It's easy, relaxed , and know one really cares how you look
It's a bike city, every post has a few bikes locked to it and cops on every street corner
I met a few more people so I guess the more you go the more people recognize you.
They have this hip hair style called Astro Girl / Boy
This lady had it -her hair went straight back on the top and then back to her lower neck like a triangle
Something about that look- New but kind of retro new if you know what I mean?
Perhaps instead of jets at the airport we rode airships ,
the stewardess would look like they were moving 100 mph just standing handing you a cup of tea
on your 2 day flight to the West Coast............?

But the ride sucks 1 1/2hrs to get there and a 1 hr ride home 75-85mph up #95 to #1 N
Everyones moving at speed on 4 lanes like a mad race with bright lights overhead
then you get out of city limits it get darker and only a few cars
Drunk guy in a pickup was all over the road trying to stay in the middle lane but wandering in all 3 doing 80.
you hope he doesn't wreck you as you pass going 90+
road games as you fall victim to the land of Nod
Climb into bed at 3:20 am and ask was it worth it?
Depech Mode party in a few weeks over in NYC.......maybe

South Street, eh? Nothing like it used to be...