Some ebay cat down in F-L-A is selling a 'Mini Cycle' made in Feb. of 1970 -some how I just like it.
Look at that crazy artwork- I mean whats going on -on that beach? Its late 60s the sun is setting
a white haired flower child is strumming away on guitar to the sounds with 'mad kids ' buzzing around
on motor bikes

playfield is kind of lack luster but a game you would of found in the motel lobby on family holiday.
they made only 885 with todays book value of $400 not a bad price, small flippers and 0000 scoreing
only means one thing- your going to play one's ass off trying to win a replay on this game.
However (in Darth Vader voice) 'You have a sister' -yes not often but sometimes they make a sister game
and she's called 'Polo' 4 player made at the same time Feb 1970

Horses !!!! Why are horses popular in pinball? If you get one and have a cool lady in your life she will never let you re-sell it- never. just something to think about ...... anyway they made 1140 'Polo' pins that year with a book value of only $375

But whats going on in the Mimi Cycle backglass , look at those people the ones in center with campfire and guitar and the kids on bikes , one kid got something in his mouth a twig or some 'mother nature'?
and way off in the distance on the hill up on right two others and a 'mad' sun setting.......
.......I feel a story coming


I really like the look of the first one. I wish more of the really cool looking vintage machines played a little better. I love the art but I hate when the game feels flat. I do like the challenge of trying to win a replay on them though.