It was sometime in 05 on the evening news , the cameras pan over and show Karl Rove sitting in a dream like state next to the landing gear of Air Force 1.
'W's inside waiting, waiting, and waiting secret service guys are talking into there jacket collars asking 'what should we do'- no responce , let it play out.
What was that mad man thinking about that hot day in July?
Was it some voice from the past? Rosebud?
Did it hit him like a brick? that the end was now in view and all that he could of done , good things that he would be remembered by were not to be. He had wasted his days in the sun under a spell of power & lime light, 'W's little piggy wallowed while the country started to spiral downward, but stay the course.
Into the History books he will , next to Rasputin
^^^I drew this when Scott McClellan resigned. Piggies all. At least McClellan is supposed to testify to it.
You know, I thought of you when I posted the river paintings. You have that 19th century anarcho-romantic quality too.