just got back from a night of cocktail party and club activity. it is 2 am...and i'm freakin' beat. my dogs are barking and I just want to go to sleep...on the pleasant side the new sets that have gone up in the last week or so are quite a delight.
i need sleep, but i feel like puking, almost...
i don't think i will, especially since i'm nowhere near drunk, nor have a been tonight..
ran into the girl i've got a crush on. we work together, so i think it would be way bad news to go anywhere near that. plus i'm leaving in like 9 months and well what's the point. plus i've got the fab girl down in atlanta waiting for me...what to do....what to do.
i need sleep, but i feel like puking, almost...
i don't think i will, especially since i'm nowhere near drunk, nor have a been tonight..
ran into the girl i've got a crush on. we work together, so i think it would be way bad news to go anywhere near that. plus i'm leaving in like 9 months and well what's the point. plus i've got the fab girl down in atlanta waiting for me...what to do....what to do.
Nope. Not moving. Just visiting. My boy is from MD, right near DC, and his family still lives there. We go down and visit for Thanksgiving every year.

yeah i live in foggy bottom. we're near the white house (woo hoo?) but everything around here closes around five. and im lazy. conclusion: i end up sleeping a lot.