They say that patience is a virtue. It's one of the few things I could say I take a little pride in having since it seems like much of society these days becomes irate at the smallest infraction of convenience. Sometimes, I envy the fact that people can do this when it seems every time I just pass it off as nothing. The other times, I just find myself just trying to understand. I wonder how people can argue over the most foolish things for hours whereas my opinion on the matter is vacant? I wonder where the sparks behind the words come from? I wonder if my life lacks conviction? I wonder about all of it. It's times like this that make me feel like I'm back in first grade listening to how some other kid's dad is stronger than mine. For some reason I thought that in this point of my life, I wouldn't be around people that acted like this anymore. I feel like this is slowly hollowing me out from the inside. It's showing me that patience I thought I had isn't as solid as once believed. I'm not really sure what to do, but I don't think this is healthy. Who's almost 6am, and this probably isn't making much sense anyway. blah
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/end rant
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