It's about 3:30 on an otherwise ho-hum day, and the thought of going to work later is putting me in that sedated state I know so well. On the other hand, the past few days have been great. I went to see the midnight Pirates of the Caribbean show on thursday(friday if you want to be technical). It wasnt quite what I was hoping for, but the crowd was fun. What really made me happy was the Transformers preview. Now I just have to wait a year for what had better be pure and utter bliss. It's being directed by Michael Bay, the guy that did The Rock(very very good) and Armageddon(very very bad), so I'm still not sure weather or not this movie will be what I'm hoping for, but I'm more than willing to wait and see.
Friday night Drew and I went to MSL in Louisville and had quite a time. We danced a bit, and on a couple occasions I was hit on by a guy that was beyond wasted. We ended up getting back around 5am and I had arbies breakfast for the first time ever.
Saturday was spent at Busters and the Dame with Jason, Drew, and Mary. I hadn't seen Mary in forever, so it was good to talk to her, even if it was only for a little bit.
And to Sum up my weekend, Cassie came down to see me Sunday night, and left a couple hours ago. Things are always a little better when she's around.
So, what now? I should probably be filling out the job applications that are sitting on my bed, but instead I think I'll do something else.
Friday night Drew and I went to MSL in Louisville and had quite a time. We danced a bit, and on a couple occasions I was hit on by a guy that was beyond wasted. We ended up getting back around 5am and I had arbies breakfast for the first time ever.
Saturday was spent at Busters and the Dame with Jason, Drew, and Mary. I hadn't seen Mary in forever, so it was good to talk to her, even if it was only for a little bit.
And to Sum up my weekend, Cassie came down to see me Sunday night, and left a couple hours ago. Things are always a little better when she's around.
So, what now? I should probably be filling out the job applications that are sitting on my bed, but instead I think I'll do something else.
Have you seen the whole movie yet? I love it... I've probably watched it a dozen times or so since it came out. Of course, I am a huge nerd, so... 

the dubbing isn't bad. i was worried about that too. special features though... not so much.