Life seems horrible my oldest dog ate a whole bag of grapes off the table last night had to rush him to the emergency room to pump his stomach hes still there getting his kidneys flushed out and we dont know what is going to happen to him. I feel like i cant breathe. My baby dog is crying all the time because he isnt here and my parents are constantly telling me I am not going to do anything with my life and i wont amount to anything and i should drop out of school. FUCCCCCCCCCCK. Me and the man are poor after these vet bills I dont know how things are going to turn out anymore
aw babe please dont worry, i hope everything is ok with your dog. and you'll always have masses of support on here <3 message me if u need to talk about anything xxx
hope your dog has recovered since (hugs). As for your parents, in their own twisted way they mean the best. If you want to remain in school then you'll have to put yourr foot down. Good luck @};-