Happy belated cinco de mayo! I spent cinco de mayo riding my bike then coming home and breaking out our gin and smoking hookah. We made nachos and we loaded it with jalapenos but our last bag of them were pretty mild but these were fucking hot! Good lord my mouth was on fire!
This weekend has been really good. Went to our local produce stand and loaded up on veggies to grill. YUM! Our dog has discovered his love for watermelon which is pretty adorable. We took him to the park to blow off some steam but then we forgot to take his ball away and he ate the entire tennis ball. Poor little guy. Sunday I spent finding possible apartments and what not in Portland. I cant wait to move! I am actually getting excited to turn 20 this month. We made our plans official to go to Vancouver. Our friends band The Sumner Brothers are playing on my birthday so we are going to see them and I am so excited. They are the nicest guys and I love their music but I have yet to see them play. I plan on drinking lots and having a lot of sex on my birthday
I cant wait to hit up some dive bars and take some good pictures. I hope all works out and I have fun. I just sent my final application in for school in November. I am pretty happy about it. When I went to visit I fell in love with the school and it is a great environment and I get to do hair all day! Anyways life is good for the most part.
I wake up every morning to this little monster
This video of lone wolf one man band was shot by our friend nick this guy is crazy good at banjo!
James Hand is AMAZING!
I hope some of you can enjoy some of this music because I sure do!
Enjoy some Scott H Biram
that Lone Wolf OMB clip was awesome!
Thank you for that.