Hey Loves so much has been going on I have not had much time to be on here. I have been eating like a complete health nut and sometimes I just want some fucking bread but oh well. I have been working out 5 days a week and going off one of my medications that has caused weight gain
oh well hopefully I will have my body back in no time. On top of that my dog had a seizure while I was making lunch a few weeks ago he froze up and was completely unresponsive. Then he snapped out of it and was some what aggressive which is not good because he is a big boy. So I rushed him to the vet and no we are just monitoring him and showering him with love and chicken necks. I cried like a fucking baby my whole way to the vet. I am just praying it wont happen again. My boyfriend John and I headed to Portland to see our good friends Willy Tea and Tom VandenAvond play in a barn behind someones house and we got drunk
After that we day we decided to move to Portland in August. Which I am excited for because they have a program for whats called outdoors leadership. I basically get certified to teach and lead numerous outdoor activities. We also got a shit storm of snow
which happened on the day I ran around for 5 hours grocery shopping by the way neither of us drive so that sucked. I have been drawing too my mom sent me a box of art supplies which was so nice since I cant really afford new ones on my own. Otherwise
life has been awesome! Things couldnt be better with my boyfriend, I feel great . For awhile there i felt like I was losing my mind. But I have managed to pull my life together.
Here are some pictures. Enjoy! 

I promise to blog more and be on a little more often

life has been awesome! Things couldnt be better with my boyfriend, I feel great . For awhile there i felt like I was losing my mind. But I have managed to pull my life together.

The Snowy little shack we live in
Portland Show
Willy Tea Taylor best man I have ever known
I'm glad all is going well &
please, share more of your artwork;
you're quite skilled.