Hi everyone!
So here I am. Back in the hometown. Back in Cape Cod, MA. Took me a calculated 16 hours of planes trains and automobiles to get here, but that is a boring story, and has little to do with the fact that I am here now and it is so very beautiful. For those of you who know me and think I am strictly a Bostonite that isn't totally true. I was raised in the little town of Falmouth on Cape Cod, in Massachusetts. I have to say. It is utterly gorgeous here. My parents new home is so incredibly beautiful. They live on 7 acres of land set way back in off the road (with old forest obscuring the house from the road) and my mom has landscaped it so beautifully. Last time I was here I built a large stone patio in the front yard. Since then my mom has built a three tiered water garden flowing around half of it and down into one pool and then down into another even larger pool. All of this is overgrown with gorgeous plants and no fewer than 2 dwarf japanese maples. The yard used to be just scrub brush and chewed up dirt but now there is a yard and large vegetable garden and soon to be a greenhouse! A greenhouse! All this contained in this little area surrounded by forest and just tucked in- away from harrassment. The sky here is so clear the stars go on forever. It's a true shame that to live here I would have to give up the culture and lifestyle I appreciate in the city. Fluds my head with regrets about where I live, now, to be here right now. But, I suppose my life has many places to go in it. Right? Today, my dad turned to me and asked me; arms wide open pointing to his new home, (which is also one of the nicest coziest homes I've ever been in) "What do you think? Someday it's all going to be yours?" Of course I was stunned but I had to admitt that that would be an incredible day in quite a few ways. Some of course terrible. But... Perhaps someday I'll move here when I've seen what I need to see. I'll move here with someone who loves me and we'll hold each other under this most amazing of skys. That'll be a truely incredible day. I hate being so mushy, but that's a day I truely can't wait for.
I miss you guys, though I've only been gone a few short days and you've probably not even noticed my absence yet.
So here I am. Back in the hometown. Back in Cape Cod, MA. Took me a calculated 16 hours of planes trains and automobiles to get here, but that is a boring story, and has little to do with the fact that I am here now and it is so very beautiful. For those of you who know me and think I am strictly a Bostonite that isn't totally true. I was raised in the little town of Falmouth on Cape Cod, in Massachusetts. I have to say. It is utterly gorgeous here. My parents new home is so incredibly beautiful. They live on 7 acres of land set way back in off the road (with old forest obscuring the house from the road) and my mom has landscaped it so beautifully. Last time I was here I built a large stone patio in the front yard. Since then my mom has built a three tiered water garden flowing around half of it and down into one pool and then down into another even larger pool. All of this is overgrown with gorgeous plants and no fewer than 2 dwarf japanese maples. The yard used to be just scrub brush and chewed up dirt but now there is a yard and large vegetable garden and soon to be a greenhouse! A greenhouse! All this contained in this little area surrounded by forest and just tucked in- away from harrassment. The sky here is so clear the stars go on forever. It's a true shame that to live here I would have to give up the culture and lifestyle I appreciate in the city. Fluds my head with regrets about where I live, now, to be here right now. But, I suppose my life has many places to go in it. Right? Today, my dad turned to me and asked me; arms wide open pointing to his new home, (which is also one of the nicest coziest homes I've ever been in) "What do you think? Someday it's all going to be yours?" Of course I was stunned but I had to admitt that that would be an incredible day in quite a few ways. Some of course terrible. But... Perhaps someday I'll move here when I've seen what I need to see. I'll move here with someone who loves me and we'll hold each other under this most amazing of skys. That'll be a truely incredible day. I hate being so mushy, but that's a day I truely can't wait for.
I miss you guys, though I've only been gone a few short days and you've probably not even noticed my absence yet.

hope your trip is going well.