(Andy, this one is mostly for your enjoyment of my stupid dramatic love life saga)
im falling back in love with the one person i had fallen from for good
it seems like hes the only one that gets it
hes stupid, yes
and maybe my giving a shit is just as stupid...but regardless
i go to sleep at night lately just wishing i was with him, instead of alone, looking for the next cock to jump on
i want things back to the way they used to be
when everyone was happy
no one made anyone else cry
and we were both so new at everything we did that every day was an adventure, no matter how small
i know how hard its gunna be to get that back, if we evem begin to at all
but its worth a shot...i think
BUT on a COMPLETELY different note
my boobies are finally symmetrical
and i met a sexy new tattoo artist who is my newest hero
and who i just want to hug
my throat hurts and my boob is sore
so im going to go get in bed
and drink some chamomile tea....with honey AND lemon
and maybe watch some laguna beach
and draw until he calls me
i love everyone today
now everyone
for the love of FUCK
love me back
XO. Lou
im falling back in love with the one person i had fallen from for good
it seems like hes the only one that gets it
hes stupid, yes
and maybe my giving a shit is just as stupid...but regardless
i go to sleep at night lately just wishing i was with him, instead of alone, looking for the next cock to jump on
i want things back to the way they used to be
when everyone was happy
no one made anyone else cry
and we were both so new at everything we did that every day was an adventure, no matter how small
i know how hard its gunna be to get that back, if we evem begin to at all
but its worth a shot...i think
BUT on a COMPLETELY different note
my boobies are finally symmetrical
and i met a sexy new tattoo artist who is my newest hero
and who i just want to hug
my throat hurts and my boob is sore
so im going to go get in bed
and drink some chamomile tea....with honey AND lemon
and maybe watch some laguna beach
and draw until he calls me

i love everyone today
now everyone
for the love of FUCK
love me back

XO. Lou

Youre love life is as dorky as you, which is just as well.
Wait, is this the good guy ex, or the looser cheat on you ex.
Whatever, you can wrap him around your finger.
laguna beach is still gay.
even the little killer dog thnks so.
he told me.