WHERE THE FECK IS MY LIIGGHHTTERR?!?!?! Looked in the couch cushions. didn't see it. But I did find some delicious condom wrappers. Atleast there werent condoms in there....
So good news, I don't have to quit my job. I can go back to work when I get back from England. So that's out of the way.
Oh lookie, handcuffs on the table. Did I mention this is NOT my room? You find lots of interesting things in boys dorm rooms. On this table I see dice, chainmeil, handcuffs, hand sanitizer, and a cameras....what kind o sex games is this perv playin.....
So it is my last night here. Tomorrow I shall go home for the summer. Good stuff.
New photos!

So good news, I don't have to quit my job. I can go back to work when I get back from England. So that's out of the way.
Oh lookie, handcuffs on the table. Did I mention this is NOT my room? You find lots of interesting things in boys dorm rooms. On this table I see dice, chainmeil, handcuffs, hand sanitizer, and a cameras....what kind o sex games is this perv playin.....
So it is my last night here. Tomorrow I shall go home for the summer. Good stuff.
New photos!

my room didnt have anything interesting on the living room table, just mostly video game controllers.
i did find a condom wrapper in the garbage can next to the person's desk at an appointment i went to for work once. yeah not something i wanted to see...
good to hear that you will still be able to keep your job.