blagh...i felt pretty damn bad last night. I stayed at my friends room. But before we went to bed I was on the computer talking to my boyfriend. Talkin on webcam as well. I don't get to talk to him often (long distance) so i was enjoying it muchly. Then my friend tells me he wants to go to i was forced to get off the computer. Second I got off the computer I felt my throat swell up like I was going to cry, so I crawled under my friends bed onto the air mattresss and cried quietly for a while. I sent my boy a text message. Eventua;ly i had to talk to himm. So I tried to ninja my way out of the room without wakin anyone up. I was doin pretty well until my studded belt scraped against the door i talked to my boy in the hall for a while. When I was done i tried to ninja my way back in. But he had fucking plastic bags all over the place and it was dark so i kept kickin them. about 3 hours later I wake up to discover i really gotta pee. I think maybe i can hold it till morning, but it was bothering me and i couldnt sleep. So i figured since my eyes were adjusted to the darkness I could ninja my way to the bathroom. I did pretty well getting into the bathroom....but then of course I had to flush...and thats noisy. But i tried to be quiet on the way back into the bed, I kick a noisy plastic bag again, THEN when i get under the bed BOOM i whack my head oon the side causing the bed to shake, waking my friend up.
It's a good thing I am a pirate cuz I am a SUCKY ninja,..,,.
It's a good thing I am a pirate cuz I am a SUCKY ninja,..,,.
i woke up all my roomates at 330 am yesterday when i was getting ready to go to sleep. but i dont give a shit since they make noise during the day so this is payback in a way.