I decided to go back over the old blog topics that I didn't get a chance to do and do them on nights I was free and didn't have anything in particular to blog about. Tonight I am going to tell you 10 Random Facts about me.
1. My favorite food is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
2. I have three cover up tattoos.
3. I have a ten year old little brother.
4. I have two cats.
5. I chose the name Austynn because I lived in Austin, TX for a bit and it is my favorite city in the US.
6. Commitment makes me uncomfortable.
7. My favorite flower is the iris.
8. I change my clothes AT LEAST once throughout the day... possibly two or three times.
9. I like my coffee with sugar and no cream. Nothing fancy.
10. I can touch my toe to my nose.
Sorry if these weren't very entertaining. When having to list 10 facts about yourself its actually quite hard. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask. I never mind answering! <3 A.