Love rolling 20's? Fear the dreaded fumble? Do you have to hold your breath everytime you make a will save? Do you know what a will save is? Do you dream of one day killing a dragon? Then this is the place for you! A group for adventurers from far …
Film, movies, cinema, whatever you want to call it! Please don't spoil anything!
A group for all things Pokemon. Breeders, Trainers, Professors, Gym Leaders, all Pokémon professions welcome :)
A group to talk about work! Share your experiences, vent, whatever!
Do you long to hear the sweet words of yore? Think a little new-fashioned chivalry should be creatively resurrected by the world at large? Then look no further, my sweet, this just might be the place for you.
A place for drunks to make new drinking friends and limit our senseless babbling to one group, or a place for us to get drunk together then screw up all the other boards en masse. Drunks always need to meet new drinking friends cuz we repeat ourselves a lot and …
All things related to tv shows and cartoons! Woo! Please don't spoil anything!
Anime > real life