today i took alkaline out for a birthday date to the biodiversity museum. of course, i managed to get us horribly lost for the better part of an hour (i hate you, UBC, just so, so much). HOWEVER, we made it there finally, and in one piece. Alkie of course ran from the shark-related displays, and i of course, ran TO them.
next week i'm taking her for part two of the birthday date, to an after-hours, adult-only (NO KIDS NO KIDS NO KIDS YAAAY) shindig at the aquarium. SO PUMPED FOR THAT. see also? LIVE SHARKS. LIVE.

next week i'm taking her for part two of the birthday date, to an after-hours, adult-only (NO KIDS NO KIDS NO KIDS YAAAY) shindig at the aquarium. SO PUMPED FOR THAT. see also? LIVE SHARKS. LIVE.

The after hours event at the aquarium is tonight right? I hope you're having a fabulous time.