Hi guys! Another little blog homework for you! My set "Little mad sometimes!" is bumbling on, nearly at 1200 likes, it's slowly but surely getting love and again what would I be without you guys? Honestly every love and comment makes me feel amazing. I'm so grateful.
So assumptions, people always assume things when they don't understand. It's one of life's hardships and can make you feel pretty low when people assume things about you that aren't true.
The one assumption about me I'd like to dispel is the assumption that I am weak!
Believe it or not, especially considering that I was a dom for 4 years, this is an assumption that seems to hover around me. I'm not an angry person, I let things ride out and sometimes I watch events unfold before I say or do anything, just so I can make a judgement on the right course of action. I like to think I am a kind person with a big heart, so my first course of action with any situation is to help, rather than hurt.
This isn't to say I won't dominate you in the bedroom 😉 but I try to be accepting of everyone and the first thing I think before I get angry is "everyone has problems of their own" and it's true. I've never met anyone in my entire life who isn't having issues in their own lives, it's the way life works. It affects what people do and if they're struggling too, even if they're blowing up and getting pissed off they need kindness, not anger. Obviously there is a limit, and if someone's being an arsehole for the sake of being one, eventually you have to act.
Weakness is the inability to act when necessary, and that you let people just walk over you or take you down. I get to the point now where I draw a line in the sand, I say enough is enough and I will defend myself if necessary. That isn't weak!
I come across this in my daily life a lot too, over the past few years I've been on and off of crutches with random dislocations, so unfortunately (especially where I'm from I'm not sure how it is in the rest of the world I hope it's different!) people associate disability with weakness. I've never met someone who has a disability who is weak. We've faced more in life than you think, so we are strong too. If you deal with daily pain you become a warrior, you have to fight the world every day.. it becomes a strength.
I've been through enough in life to know who I am and where I'm going, I'm very lucky in that respect. I know I want to model, I know I want to be a suicidegirl, I know I want to help people fulfil their fantasies and become all they can be. I'd like to share my knowledge with the world and help people who can't help themselves. Again that is strength, not weakness.
So anyway guys! That's another little bit of reading for you, I'll be posting a few more blogs about fetishes and encounters I had in my career as a dom over the next day or so, so watch out for that!
I'm going to start shooting for my patreon again, unfortunately I wasn't well over the past month or two so I haven't had much chance to get some done, some of you left and that's totally understandable but I'd love to work for your support if you'd like to sponsor me to keep shooting. My set that was taken down for elite (only for them to decide they weren't interested, what a waste!) northern lights is on there, and hopefully there should be a Snapchat along the line too which will be free with patreon, I'd love to do some domination with a few of you guys! Aurorer on patreon! < this link right here!
Love as always, A xx
@missy @rambo