Hi guys! Here is some more fabulous blog homework set by @missy and @rambo, I've been crazy busy the past couple of days so it's lovely to sit down and spend some time with my laptop, and do this homework :)
What is my confidence boosting secret weapon? To be honest, it's the thought that no matter what situation I find myself in, I can rely on myself to get out of it. I've had some awesome times in my life, and some negatives, the same as every single person who will be reading this. The way I've dealt with my rather varied life is by focusing on building myself up, making sure I'm good at what I do and I make sure I know it, so when I'm in a difficult situation when you want to shout out for help, or find somebody to place responsibility on, I look inside myself first.
I have found that in life, you have a few very close friends, and I make sure I surround myself with people who love me and who give me strength, not negativity. Anybody who weakens me emotionally, or makes me feel even for a second that I am being given less than the respect I deserve as the person I am, is cut away from my personal circle and left away from me where they belong.
The biggest confidence boosting secret weapon I have, and will always have is love for and faith in myself, the people that I choose to be around me and the values I have trusted to aid me throughout my life. I could be standing naked in a room full of strangers, with my physical imperfections (everybody has them, they're what make us unique) looking at myself thinking what is everybody thinking of me?
Well the truth is, it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you, it's what you think of yourself that should drive you. Can I live with myself naked for the world to see, and my imperfections on view by lots of strangers? Well, my first set that's out soon has no photo shop at all, we submitted them exactly as they came out of the camera. So the answer to that question is a massive, confident, YES!!
Be yourself, and love and trust in who you are.... I'll leave you with a little saying that I scribbled when I was in school.
"Love yourself before you find love, fall in love or fall out of love. Love yourself first of all, that way when you need someone to catch you, you won't have too far to fall."