Trypophobia test
This is an interesting one for me, I thought I'd tell you about my weird phobia called trypophobia. It's a fear of collections of holes, patterns, and seeds. Apparently it's a fear that developed from when we were cavemen, like the fear of things with more than 4 legs, this was a way of your brain telling you to stay away from something as it was either poisonous or diseased. Some of the population still retain this fear, and although mine isn't too bad, for some people it can be really life affecting. I get really creeped out when I see things like the pattern of wasps nests, lotus seed pods, ant hills, rusty boat hulls, surinam toads and other things like that. It isn't a fear where you get paralysed if you encounter it, you just get this awful feeling all over you, your skin tingles, and you feel really sick. I was going to put a photo of a lotus seed pod up for you all to see, but I realised that then I would have to look at it when I look at my profile, so I'll give you guys a little bit of homework, type in trypophobia test on YouTube, and do the test, see if you are one of the small percentage of the population that still holds onto this fear and let me know in the comment box below :)
Thanks @missy and @rambo for this interesting piece of homework, and thank you guys for reading x