So...I looked at my last update and I saw that I wrote it just few days before we shot Nya's last set, this is the kind of things that tells me it's TIME TO UPDATE !!
so, first of all I really wanted to thank you for all your nice comments on the set, and on my journal.
I am really happy you loved our...
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so, first of all I really wanted to thank you for all your nice comments on the set, and on my journal.
I am really happy you loved our...
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So, maybe it's time for an update...
things about the end of the school Nya already told you, I will have to redo my last year...I know I didn't work enought and I'll have lot of things to do, I really hope I will be able to have fun working !
I think I need to change my mind and change my philosophy and...
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things about the end of the school Nya already told you, I will have to redo my last year...I know I didn't work enought and I'll have lot of things to do, I really hope I will be able to have fun working !
I think I need to change my mind and change my philosophy and...
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je vais me coucher.
je vais me coucher.
Flicitations pour le set de Nya! Tu as fait un travail magnifique, bravo!!
(et puis aussi pour tre rentre dans le club de la photographers' list!!)
(et puis aussi pour tre rentre dans le club de la photographers' list!!)

hello everybody,
First of all I wanted to thank you all very much for your sweet comments about Nya's set and then for my birthday, I have been really happy, you guys are so nice.
I wish I could have answered earlier but these last weeks I have been really busy, there was my middle year exam and that was not really easy. I didn't...
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First of all I wanted to thank you all very much for your sweet comments about Nya's set and then for my birthday, I have been really happy, you guys are so nice.
I wish I could have answered earlier but these last weeks I have been really busy, there was my middle year exam and that was not really easy. I didn't...
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I miss you too la titi... vivement mardi...
ton message m'a fait plaisir
bon, tu aurais pas un peu de temps pour updater par hasard?^^
ton message m'a fait plaisir

bon, tu aurais pas un peu de temps pour updater par hasard?^^
ah a fait plaisir de te revoir "dans le coin"
c'est vrai qu'il y a eu quelques complications en juillet et du coup on a paspu venir mais on va essayer de s'organiser pour bientt !! Et puis au pire on se verra Nantes, c'est cool !!
hte de te revoir quand mme

c'est vrai qu'il y a eu quelques complications en juillet et du coup on a paspu venir mais on va essayer de s'organiser pour bientt !! Et puis au pire on se verra Nantes, c'est cool !!
hte de te revoir quand mme

Hello everybody,
how are you ?
me, I'm OK, I spent good hollydays but now work is quite difficult, I don't know really what to do but I stay optimistic ! Oh yeah !
for Christmas my parents offered me a little iBook so I am really happy but as you see I don't update more
I don't have much time...
I really want to...
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how are you ?
me, I'm OK, I spent good hollydays but now work is quite difficult, I don't know really what to do but I stay optimistic ! Oh yeah !
for Christmas my parents offered me a little iBook so I am really happy but as you see I don't update more

I don't have much time...
I really want to...
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Joyeux anniversaire!!
Dsol j'ai un jour de retard 

rtroactivement, bonaniv !

ok ok people !
so Rapace asked me to tell you 20 things about my life, it seems everyone did it so...
1/ I didn't go to the hairdresser for few years, Nya cuts my hair.
2/ when I was young I thought I would marry my cousin (he played Barbie with me)
3/ I'm watching X-Files right now, it's Welcome to Arcadie(or something like...
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so Rapace asked me to tell you 20 things about my life, it seems everyone did it so...
1/ I didn't go to the hairdresser for few years, Nya cuts my hair.
2/ when I was young I thought I would marry my cousin (he played Barbie with me)
3/ I'm watching X-Files right now, it's Welcome to Arcadie(or something like...
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i hope you had a merry christmas, stranger!
speak to you in the new year - i hope you have a fun time, and that you and nya are both well.
speak to you in the new year - i hope you have a fun time, and that you and nya are both well.
bonne anne que la force du ramen soit avec toi..
oui j'ai rien trouv de mieux v_v'
oui j'ai rien trouv de mieux v_v'
I want to tell a big thank you to all of you that told me nice things and that I didn't had enought time to answer.
In fact it made me want to be more involved in my journal and in the site, so I'll try, but maybe I will not have enought time because school started today (and I was late ouulala)...
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I want to tell a big thank you to all of you that told me nice things and that I didn't had enought time to answer.
In fact it made me want to be more involved in my journal and in the site, so I'll try, but maybe I will not have enought time because school started today (and I was late ouulala)...
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you've dissapeared!!
hehe - i hope everything is going well, sweetie.

hehe - i hope everything is going well, sweetie.
ben alors elles sont o les 20 choses sur toi? 

hello everyone,
today was a good day for me, I'm happy to see Nya's set on line, but sad she is not here...
I talked with her on the phone, she gave me a message for you :
She is working 2 more weeks and she has no computer, she is really sorry she can't answer all your nice comments and she is impatient...
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today was a good day for me, I'm happy to see Nya's set on line, but sad she is not here...
I talked with her on the phone, she gave me a message for you :
She is working 2 more weeks and she has no computer, she is really sorry she can't answer all your nice comments and she is impatient...
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i hope you two are having fun!!

those photos of Nya were incredible!
ohhhh this evening I have no tabacco, AND NO COCA-COLA !!! It's sad to say but now it's really hard not to drink Coca, but don't worry, I drink Light !!!
I have no Coca but I have Hagen-dazs vanilla pecan ice cream....ok it's expensive but sometimes girls just wanna have fun !
today was the last day of my work placement, it has...
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I have no Coca but I have Hagen-dazs vanilla pecan ice cream....ok it's expensive but sometimes girls just wanna have fun !
today was the last day of my work placement, it has...
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loved the pictures you took from nya. great job
now i want a haagen dazs, but the dulce de leche one or the strawberry cheesecake, those are my favourites

now i want a haagen dazs, but the dulce de leche one or the strawberry cheesecake, those are my favourites

i'm alone since one week now, Nya is gone to her parent's shop to work for a month and I stay at home, I have a work placement during august with a publisher of art books and prints. that's good, I take lot of pictures for the web site and start to work on flyers.
life without Nya is really boring but I'm gonna...
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i'm alone since one week now, Nya is gone to her parent's shop to work for a month and I stay at home, I have a work placement during august with a publisher of art books and prints. that's good, I take lot of pictures for the web site and start to work on flyers.
life without Nya is really boring but I'm gonna...
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Oh you spy on my journal! Wheee!
I am most happy to accept the friend request!
I am most happy to accept the friend request!
Si j'en ai pas but un avant, ouais 

few pics about me
hello everybody,
so once again i didn't update for a long time but i keep watching what's happening here with Nya so i don't forget you
so i spent a good time since april, nothing wrong, new piercing under lips, new glasses, new shoes (looks like Creepers).
and it is the begining of agitation and energy of the end of the year, exams are coming,it's...
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so once again i didn't update for a long time but i keep watching what's happening here with Nya so i don't forget you

so i spent a good time since april, nothing wrong, new piercing under lips, new glasses, new shoes (looks like Creepers).
and it is the begining of agitation and energy of the end of the year, exams are coming,it's...
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Kikoo !!!! 

hello my darling! how are you?
i'm back !
my workshop finished a week ago, it was great, Felix was nice and he speak french very well so i didn't had to speak english hihi !!
the subject of the workshop was : "non-verbal communication"...not so easy but my group worked well, we did some videos about what people think or want in a situation and what happens in real,...
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i'm back !

my workshop finished a week ago, it was great, Felix was nice and he speak french very well so i didn't had to speak english hihi !!
the subject of the workshop was : "non-verbal communication"...not so easy but my group worked well, we did some videos about what people think or want in a situation and what happens in real,...
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Ma titi, il serait temps que tu updates
Nya miss you.

Nya miss you.
new year!