Something I forgot to talk about that was weird today. Me and Dave took our son to the playground today. When we went up we were immediatly accosted by this little girl. She loved at my son and said, "Aren't little brothers a joy?" She said it very sarcastically. So I said, "Well I wouldn't know, I'm an only child." "So whose that?" "My son." "What are you, like, eighteen?" And she rolled her muthaf'in eyes at me! I was like, "NOOOO. I'm 24." "Yeah right. You're lying." I was done with it so I walked away but the little creatin followed us around THE WHOLE DAMN TIME! At some point she said she was born in 1994, then later she said something about me being reincarnated? I said maybe she was Kurt Cobain reincarnated. She was like," Who is Kurt Cobain?" in that dismissive whiny prepube voice. Oh god. I feel OLD now. I was 13 when she was born and I'm discussing reincarnation with her?. Jesus f'ed! Still, I would have thought she'd know Nirvana anyway. You know, like The Doors. I was spinning dizzy to The Doors at 5 and knew several of the songs by the time was that girl's age. I still see at LEAST one Nirvana shirt a week still. Where is her music appreciation. Fuck that. Where the hell were her parents?
hey hey party tonight at my house if you would like to come out let me know.

hey you have been tagged check out my journal.