So, my dad could have died yesterday, and he finds it hilarious and I'm pissed at him for it. Damn his boundless sense of humor and lighthearted outlook on life.
For work he's flown out by float plane, or boats out by himself, to remote islands where he repairs and maintains the facilities used by other Forest Service members. He was out at one of these places, by himself, doing some fishing. He was wearing a can of bear spray around his neck. Scottness, you know what I'm talking about, for the rest of you bear spray is pepper spray times one million. The ideas is that you somehow manage to spray this shit at attacking bears and run off without getting it in your own eyes, tricky business. My friend found a can once, I ran half a block away so he could squirt it for fun...still got in my was like having wasabi in my eyeballs for 5 minutes. So my dad slipped and fell and the can was punctured. He got the whole thing directly to the face. His eyes and throat swelled shut and he had to blindly crawl back to the creek to wash it off. I heard this summary from my little brother, I'm about to call my dad and get the full story. I want to know if there were bears laughing at him in the background.
For work he's flown out by float plane, or boats out by himself, to remote islands where he repairs and maintains the facilities used by other Forest Service members. He was out at one of these places, by himself, doing some fishing. He was wearing a can of bear spray around his neck. Scottness, you know what I'm talking about, for the rest of you bear spray is pepper spray times one million. The ideas is that you somehow manage to spray this shit at attacking bears and run off without getting it in your own eyes, tricky business. My friend found a can once, I ran half a block away so he could squirt it for fun...still got in my was like having wasabi in my eyeballs for 5 minutes. So my dad slipped and fell and the can was punctured. He got the whole thing directly to the face. His eyes and throat swelled shut and he had to blindly crawl back to the creek to wash it off. I heard this summary from my little brother, I'm about to call my dad and get the full story. I want to know if there were bears laughing at him in the background.
I'm amazed he didn't die... but I'm glad he can laugh it off. A good sense of humor about life can make all the difference.
bear mace sucks.
Yeah, the physical therapy is for my shoulder. I pulled some things in it while moving a washing machine for work. The doctor was concerned about it because I had dislocated the same shoulder 6 years ago, so she put me in 2 weeks of physical therapy.
oh well.. at least I only have 3 more weeks before I go back to LA.... ah. sunny weather. no rain.
i'm glad he's able to find humor in the situation!