Ergh. The excitement of this whole Disney internship thing is slowly becoming replaced by stress. I woke up yesterday smacked with the realization of everything this move is going to require. The costs of the move are huge! I find that I'm going to have to lower myself to borrowing money from family and otherwise....I'll be making a happy sum when I'm down there, it's just that I don't have anything right now.
I found that no apartments down there have leases under 6 months, and the two that do are very expensive. Like $1800 for a two bedroom.
I can't even make rent this month, stress balls are popping out of my skull. I think I may need to abuse my credit cards to make it through this. Yes "cards"... plural. Maybe someone should just give me a giant shovel so I can dig myself into bigger trouble.
It is official that Robby can't come with me to L.A. So our honeymooning has to be cut short. After dancing around the event of hooking up for over a year, I'm now moving away for who-knows-how-long after we've only been officially together for 2 months. Life is such a kick in the pants.
Ummm...what else is new. Oh yeah, another game company Backbone Entertainment is now interested in me as well. Haha. I feel like I'm just fooling all these people. It's so weird. But a portfolio can't lie, right?
The last game that I did some work on ( Solterra ) is getting good reviews. Too bad I never signed a contract with them. I have a feeling I'm going to kick myself hard later.
I got a skateboard. Been using it as a means of transportation these past few days. My left calf is sore as shit now. I'm going to have lopsided legs. I can't wait to paint it, my skateboard that is.
Back to apartment shopping. Thanks for reading.

I found that no apartments down there have leases under 6 months, and the two that do are very expensive. Like $1800 for a two bedroom.
I can't even make rent this month, stress balls are popping out of my skull. I think I may need to abuse my credit cards to make it through this. Yes "cards"... plural. Maybe someone should just give me a giant shovel so I can dig myself into bigger trouble.
It is official that Robby can't come with me to L.A. So our honeymooning has to be cut short. After dancing around the event of hooking up for over a year, I'm now moving away for who-knows-how-long after we've only been officially together for 2 months. Life is such a kick in the pants.
Ummm...what else is new. Oh yeah, another game company Backbone Entertainment is now interested in me as well. Haha. I feel like I'm just fooling all these people. It's so weird. But a portfolio can't lie, right?
The last game that I did some work on ( Solterra ) is getting good reviews. Too bad I never signed a contract with them. I have a feeling I'm going to kick myself hard later.
I got a skateboard. Been using it as a means of transportation these past few days. My left calf is sore as shit now. I'm going to have lopsided legs. I can't wait to paint it, my skateboard that is.
Back to apartment shopping. Thanks for reading.
moving SUCKS! no matter if across the country or across the street, costs a bunch, and takes a lot out of you! wishing you only the best though
that is just so fuckin cool that you got the internship. you must be busting at the seams! and now BE wants you too? awesome! turn it into a bidding war and make'em pay out the nose!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
it's your turn to shine!