Last night was fun. The only thing I regret is not eating before we started drinking. Otherwise it was a kick in the pants. Glad to finally have an analog conversation with the people I've been chatting with online for awhile. I would like to start having more little get togethers like that, I think eventually we could tempt more and more people out of their caves to come join us.
I was happy to find that no one turned out to be a creepy, 50 year old balding guy that stares too long. Nope. Everyone was rather dashing and charismatic. Muller still has nice hair.
I'm already planning to get an event together, but I don't want to release anything to the public just yet. I'm so bad at planning things, I'm noncommital and flighty. I was going to post a topic in SGSJ today but flaked out, so maybe I'll test it on you guys. Behold, my secret plan:
"Not very many people know this, but San Jose's official sport and favorite local pastime is Beer Kickball. For you out-of-towners, that would be kickball with a 12 pack at every base.
Also known to few, there are some lovely parks in the area...some of them come with these cool rudimentary cooking devices called "barbeques", I believe. It is traditional to cook foods such as hot dogs and hamburgers on them, although it is now becoming widely acceptable to grill veggie burgers on these as well.
San Jose's indigenous people seem to be suffering a plague of lingering Winter Boredom, and what was once a fairly sociable tribe is now evolving into a more solitary, hermit-like people.
I am an activist looking to revive the locals. I'm thinking kickball + bbq + you = good times. Maybe in a few weeks. I'm doing a rough draft show-of-hands survey. I also want to find out it Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday around 1:00pm is best for folks.
I vote Friday.
Make a difference in your city: vote.
(Please refer to SGSJ rules 2a and 2b)"
What do you folks think?
1.)What are you in the mood for today, (if you had to choose one or the other) Porno Fucking or Sweet n' Tender Lovin'?
2.)Who had read "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe" and seen the recently released movie? What did you think?
Oh yeah. And I almost forgot:
I just had an idea. Once we play kickball, maybe even a few times, we should challenge SG Santa Cruz to a hardcore match of kickball. Hehehe...that would be fun.
I was happy to find that no one turned out to be a creepy, 50 year old balding guy that stares too long. Nope. Everyone was rather dashing and charismatic. Muller still has nice hair.
I'm already planning to get an event together, but I don't want to release anything to the public just yet. I'm so bad at planning things, I'm noncommital and flighty. I was going to post a topic in SGSJ today but flaked out, so maybe I'll test it on you guys. Behold, my secret plan:
"Not very many people know this, but San Jose's official sport and favorite local pastime is Beer Kickball. For you out-of-towners, that would be kickball with a 12 pack at every base.
Also known to few, there are some lovely parks in the area...some of them come with these cool rudimentary cooking devices called "barbeques", I believe. It is traditional to cook foods such as hot dogs and hamburgers on them, although it is now becoming widely acceptable to grill veggie burgers on these as well.
San Jose's indigenous people seem to be suffering a plague of lingering Winter Boredom, and what was once a fairly sociable tribe is now evolving into a more solitary, hermit-like people.
I am an activist looking to revive the locals. I'm thinking kickball + bbq + you = good times. Maybe in a few weeks. I'm doing a rough draft show-of-hands survey. I also want to find out it Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday around 1:00pm is best for folks.
I vote Friday.
Make a difference in your city: vote.
(Please refer to SGSJ rules 2a and 2b)"
What do you folks think?
1.)What are you in the mood for today, (if you had to choose one or the other) Porno Fucking or Sweet n' Tender Lovin'?
2.)Who had read "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe" and seen the recently released movie? What did you think?
Oh yeah. And I almost forgot:

I just had an idea. Once we play kickball, maybe even a few times, we should challenge SG Santa Cruz to a hardcore match of kickball. Hehehe...that would be fun.
You guys had better come! It'll be so much fun! The food is going to be sooooooooo good and everyone is looking forward to meeting everyone else! Please, please come!