How to have a perfect day.
Step 1: Wake up next to a sexy guy at 12:00....don't leave the bed until 3:30. Then enjoy a glass of chocolate milk.
Step 2: Go out for the best cheesy garlic bread San Jose has to offer.
Step 3: Grab your mitts and play catch in the tower lawn at San Jose State.
Step 4: Go to the school's arcade and play games until you work up a sweat. Give your boy a run for his money at the pinball machine.
Step 5: Go out to dinner at P.F. Chang's.
Step 6: Go home and sneak in some more bedroom action before parting to do responsible things.
I'm pooped. But damn, I'm happy. It's been a month already, we celebrated well.
I have to prepare for my interview tomorrow with Buena Vista Games. Trying not to be too nervous, I know I can nail this internship if I stay confident. My game resume is so badass, I have so much experience! It's my portfolio I'm a little nervous about, not sure if it has everything they're looking for.
****LATER THAT DAY....our hero sits at her computer******
I'm so nervous. I have an hour until my phone interview. I already typed up the typical questions they would ask and my response. I have my resume out and ready. Last night I updated my online portfolio. If I get over-eager or nervous on the phone I won't be able to supress my inner dork and I could say something stupid.
Does anyone have any last minute advice out there????
****AND EVEN LATER....our hero sits scratching her head***
I don't know what the hell just happened. It wasn't really an interview...Kris, the hiring manager called a bit late and was in a very big hurry. After saying that he really liked what he saw in my portfolio he commenced to talk very rapidly about the Think Tank Internship, not leaving me any oppurtunity to "sell" myself to him at all. It seems he's only glanced at my resume and wasn't aware of how many games I have worked on. I finally did jump in and say something to the effect of "Wow! That sounds like a lot of fun. As you can see in my resume I've worked on 5 games now and the pre-production phase is where I really shined. The last game I worked on was commissioned by Intel and I think this is the next step up for me." And I'm glad I stayed up late updating my portfolio because I mentioned to him I added some sketchbook samples and he checked it out and said "This is great, I was just talking to the recruiter about your site and how I liked what I saw but wished for a few more pieces to push me on way or the other, and this is what I was looking for". all sounds good...but I've been in this place before and I know not to get my hopes up. I really wish it was a real interview and I had a chance to tell him about my strengths and skills. He said he'll be in contact me within the next few weeks. So I'm left here in limbo scratching my head.
Step 1: Wake up next to a sexy guy at 12:00....don't leave the bed until 3:30. Then enjoy a glass of chocolate milk.
Step 2: Go out for the best cheesy garlic bread San Jose has to offer.
Step 3: Grab your mitts and play catch in the tower lawn at San Jose State.
Step 4: Go to the school's arcade and play games until you work up a sweat. Give your boy a run for his money at the pinball machine.
Step 5: Go out to dinner at P.F. Chang's.
Step 6: Go home and sneak in some more bedroom action before parting to do responsible things.
I'm pooped. But damn, I'm happy. It's been a month already, we celebrated well.
I have to prepare for my interview tomorrow with Buena Vista Games. Trying not to be too nervous, I know I can nail this internship if I stay confident. My game resume is so badass, I have so much experience! It's my portfolio I'm a little nervous about, not sure if it has everything they're looking for.
****LATER THAT DAY....our hero sits at her computer******
I'm so nervous. I have an hour until my phone interview. I already typed up the typical questions they would ask and my response. I have my resume out and ready. Last night I updated my online portfolio. If I get over-eager or nervous on the phone I won't be able to supress my inner dork and I could say something stupid.
Does anyone have any last minute advice out there????
****AND EVEN LATER....our hero sits scratching her head***
I don't know what the hell just happened. It wasn't really an interview...Kris, the hiring manager called a bit late and was in a very big hurry. After saying that he really liked what he saw in my portfolio he commenced to talk very rapidly about the Think Tank Internship, not leaving me any oppurtunity to "sell" myself to him at all. It seems he's only glanced at my resume and wasn't aware of how many games I have worked on. I finally did jump in and say something to the effect of "Wow! That sounds like a lot of fun. As you can see in my resume I've worked on 5 games now and the pre-production phase is where I really shined. The last game I worked on was commissioned by Intel and I think this is the next step up for me." And I'm glad I stayed up late updating my portfolio because I mentioned to him I added some sketchbook samples and he checked it out and said "This is great, I was just talking to the recruiter about your site and how I liked what I saw but wished for a few more pieces to push me on way or the other, and this is what I was looking for". all sounds good...but I've been in this place before and I know not to get my hopes up. I really wish it was a real interview and I had a chance to tell him about my strengths and skills. He said he'll be in contact me within the next few weeks. So I'm left here in limbo scratching my head.

However, I'm getting the vibe that it will lead to goodness.
rock on.
That was me. Hi .