my daughter pretty much makes my world go round.
She actually has the same skin condition as you, which the doctor told me was super rare considering her age (she's 1) and because shes white. She was actually born with it. My wive has an autoimmune disorder and that was the only clue that the doctor had other then the skin itself. They told us it was a fungus, one said some other crap- but finally a specialist told us. Anyway not to spill my guts to a total stranger but my wive was a member of this site and when I was all sad about our little girl having this she showed you to me and was like "see? It's beautiful" and ever since then I have thought so too.
So I guess if my daughter ever feels bad about herself I am going to use you as a role model to show her that everyone is beautiful and I just wanted to that you for opening my eyes to that.
She actually has the same skin condition as you, which the doctor told me was super rare considering her age (she's 1) and because shes white. She was actually born with it. My wive has an autoimmune disorder and that was the only clue that the doctor had other then the skin itself. They told us it was a fungus, one said some other crap- but finally a specialist told us. Anyway not to spill my guts to a total stranger but my wive was a member of this site and when I was all sad about our little girl having this she showed you to me and was like "see? It's beautiful" and ever since then I have thought so too.
So I guess if my daughter ever feels bad about herself I am going to use you as a role model to show her that everyone is beautiful and I just wanted to that you for opening my eyes to that.